
Retired Gregoriana Professor Stole 300K

Monsignor Sante Babolin, 86, a former philosophy professor at the Gregorian University of the Jesuits in Rome and exorcist in the diocese of Padua, allegedly defrauded a 90-year-old woman living in a nursing home in Rubano, Italy, of 300,000 euros.

Babolin is well known in church circles. He transferred the money from the woman's bank account to his own in February 2021 without her knowledge.

The woman unsuccessfully asked Babolin to return the sum and then involved the police. Babolin was a "friend" of hers and had also lived in a flat belonging to her in the past.

The investigators do not rule out that this was not the first time Babolin had stolen money.

Opera 369
Since Jorge does NOT believe in the 10 Commandments...the monsignor MUST be in Jorge's circle. A friend of Tarcisio Bertone, most likely: it's all about 'taking (defrauding) from others and benefiting yourself'. They mask it as 'self-charity'.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Wonder if he was a friend of Francis, and used the flat for gay orgies like Francis' appointees in the Vatican do on a regular basis.