
Francis' Traditionis Custodes Was "Imprudent" - Cardinal Müller

It “wasn’t prudent” of Francis to “insist intransigently on disciplining the so-called traditionalists”, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, 75, noticed (LaStampa.it, January 7).

“I suggest to the Pontiff that he be more attentive to all sensibilities within the Church, even those furthest from his own.” He insists that making suggestions is not being hostile to Francis.

Müller stresses that there are more than twenty rites in the Church and that Francis should have been more tolerant, "so as not to provoke problems that in this time in my opinion are superfluous.”

Regarding the German Synod with its illusion to “bless” homosexuals which is "against the word of God," Müller sees the possibility of a schism. This synod denies revealed doctrine, Müller analyses, "It is not just about pastoral or liturgical reforms, but about the substance of the Faith.”

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsCjwftgcplp

De Profundis
Müller: "We have more than 20 rites of the same Mass: I would have been more tolerant, so as not to provoke problems that in this time in my opinion are superfluous, given that we are not dealing with dogmatic issues, and that we already have many and more important issues. It was not prudent to insist intransigently on disciplining the so-called traditionalists."
According to Müller, "it would …More
Müller: "We have more than 20 rites of the same Mass: I would have been more tolerant, so as not to provoke problems that in this time in my opinion are superfluous, given that we are not dealing with dogmatic issues, and that we already have many and more important issues. It was not prudent to insist intransigently on disciplining the so-called traditionalists."

According to Müller, "it would have been enough to keep Pope Benedict's 2007 Motu Proprio, which was more prudent because it took in the whole ecclesial landscape." And then, he gives advice to Bergoglio: "That of being more attentive to every sensibility, even those furthest from his own, so as to try to keep everyone united. To listen to everyone, including those who do not think like him. Also because sometimes some of those who are called enemies of the Pope are actually not." ...
Another specter hovering over the future of the sacred palace: schisms. "Where there is a risk of a split is in Germany, with the synod of the so-called progressives. They deny revealed doctrine. It is not just about pastoral or liturgical reforms, but about the substance of the Faith. Francis has already intervened several times to try to stem this movement."
Rand Miller
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I think you could get a job as a fact checker for CNN.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Thank you! 😊
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I noticed a change in topics hre, when some lunatic posted that he didn't believe in and could prove that the Holocaust never happened, and also that the A-bomb was dropped on Nagasaki Japan with the purpose of wiping our the cities Catholic population. Both posts by the same person.....and sick beyond words.
It is a historical fact that the "Fat man"-bomb was dropped on the Urakami Catholic cathedral wiping out the main Catholic community in Japan (with its beginnings in 16th century). Why? - it is a good question (the official version is: Nagasaki was a good target for the USA because the city had not been destroyed during previous bombings).
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@V.R.S.-Yes, it destroyed the Cathedral, but the purpose of the bomb was not targeting Catholics. To claim as he did that the purpose WAS to wipe out the Catholic community there is insane.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If it was not the purpose it is sure that we are talking at least about so-called dolus eventualis ( Dolus Eventualis Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc. ) so the above claim is not (IMHO) a question of insanity but at the most some exaggeration.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
""Why would this site make an analogy to a “wet dream?”"---I have not see this, but I have noticed that "Gloria.tv.post is putting alot of posts on their site that has nothing to do with religion, or the Catholic Church. It reminds me of what Twitter was before Elon MUsk saved it.
John A Cassani
It looks like they edited it. It was in this post when I commented.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Why would this site make an analogy to a “wet dream?” I didn't see any referrence to that anywhere in this article from Cardinal Muller. Andy comment about that kinda stuff should not be here.
Anyway, has anyone else noticed that a few Cardinals, and more than just Muller, are speaking out against Francis within the last few days than ever thought to do before? I think Francis' days are numbered …More
"Why would this site make an analogy to a “wet dream?” I didn't see any referrence to that anywhere in this article from Cardinal Muller. Andy comment about that kinda stuff should not be here.

Anyway, has anyone else noticed that a few Cardinals, and more than just Muller, are speaking out against Francis within the last few days than ever thought to do before? I think Francis' days are numbered as Pope. He's angered many people in recent days. And his recent decree to totally re-invent the Diocese of Rome according to a "Synodal model", giving more power to himself, is badly backfiring in his face.
Good riddance.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Caroline03 --Yes, I read it. Isn't it great !! I hope it works, and is true. I hope they make Pope Francis life a living Hell...he's made the Church a living Hell. No one deserves this more than him, and I hope it is true, and it works!
John A Cassani
Why would this site make an analogy to a “wet dream?”
I because suspicious when the comment was made in a recent article that the Church has never been able to control geopolitical criminals.