Pro-Choice Student Argues for Infanticide. Recently, a student at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville bragged about his support for infanticide up to two years of age! Extremism from abortion …More
Pro-Choice Student Argues for Infanticide.
Recently, a student at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville bragged about his support for infanticide up to two years of age! Extremism from abortion supporters is one reason many people are moving towards the pro-life movement.
A University of Tennessee student has argued that two-year-old children have no right to life because they cannot communicate. Students for Life of America have released a video interview of the unnamed student to illustrate the extreme positions taken by the pro-abortion movement. In the short clip, the male student is asked what he thinks about the argument that children can be “aborted” until …More
A University of Tennessee student has argued that two-year-old children have no right to life because they cannot communicate. Students for Life of America have released a video interview of the unnamed student to illustrate the extreme positions taken by the pro-abortion movement. In the short clip, the male student is asked what he thinks about the argument that children can be “aborted” until the age of two. “I’ll buy that,” says the student although he proceeds to argue for the death of two-year olds, believing them to be incapable of communication. “The fact of the matter is that without communication, we have no way of knowing if you’re sentient or not,” he says. “I mean, it’s no different than this tree. It’s alive, but is it sentient? I don’t know. I can’t communicate with it.” He brushes off his interviewer’s, Brenna Lewis’s, observation that comparing a tree to a two-year-old child is “tough”.
Is this student in video supporting infanticide, or opposing it? it is unclear. Is he talking about another student who did support infanticide?
The problem of these people is they dont know ,and resist to know the Truth they have , distorted minds , indoctrinated by leftwing secularist teachers and politicians