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UNBAPTIZED - stará legenda Unbaptized - stará anglická legenda z 12. storočia... Počas reštaurátorských prác v 60. rokoch 20. storočia v starom anglickom kostole z 12. storočia a neďalekom starobylom …Viac
UNBAPTIZED - stará legenda Unbaptized - stará anglická legenda z 12. storočia...
Počas reštaurátorských prác v 60. rokoch 20. storočia v starom anglickom kostole z 12. storočia a neďalekom starobylom kláštore reštaurátori šetrne odkryli starú originálnu maľbu na stene kostola, ktorá bola premaľovaná a o ktorej nikto nevedel, že je pod exteriérom. maľovanie. na stene kostola objavil starý, smutný príbeh, namaľovaný na pamiatku tejto udalosti. V starej kronike kláštora z 12. storočia našli aj príbeh zapísaný, ktorý súvisel so starou maľbou. V tom čase žil bohatý šľachtic príbuzný anglickému kráľovi, ktorý vlastnil kostol a kláštor, ktoré štedro podporoval peniazmi. Bol to mladý, hrdý a bohatý šľachtic, ktorý sa oženil a jeho manželka čakala prvé dieťa. Mala ťažký pôrod.
Na ich zámku v noci po hrade pobehovali slúžky so sviečkami a babica chcela mladej grófke čo najviac pomôcť. Nakoniec porodila chlapca, no bol taký slabý, že sa báli, že bude žiť. Pôrodná babica prišla v noci za grófom a …Viac
Kamil Horal
Based on the stimulating critical comments of readers on this story, I want to give a statement. Unbaptized is an old legend, which I kept according to the story as it was. I fully recognize, according to the teachings of the Catholic Church and Christianity in general, that the sacrament of baptism can only be given to a living person, not to a dead person. And I do not tell anyone to baptize a …Viac
Based on the stimulating critical comments of readers on this story, I want to give a statement. Unbaptized is an old legend, which I kept according to the story as it was. I fully recognize, according to the teachings of the Catholic Church and Christianity in general, that the sacrament of baptism can only be given to a living person, not to a dead person. And I do not tell anyone to baptize a dead person. The story is about an old legend, where the main point is that the father sees the suffering of his son's soul due to his own fault and wants to help the son's suffering son's soul. The soul longs for baptism, which it did not have while alive. In the legend, the father baptizes his son and his soul finds peace and happiness ... But then again, it is a legend without the moral judgment of Catholic dogmatics. I do not comment or evaluate the fate of dead children before birth or after birth, if they were not baptized... that belongs to God and his infinite love, but also strict justice. The whole Church is interconnected... the church suffering the suffering of souls in purgatory, the wandering church - we living on this earth, and the glorified church in heaven. The Church and we are not indifferent to the suffering of souls in purgatory, so we pray for them, we offer the sacrifices of St. . masses with the intention that their suffering would be shortened or alleviated and that one day they could reach heavenly bliss. In such a view, the unhappy father from the story can be understood when he sees the suffering of his son. I repeat that the purpose of this story is not to spread delusion, heresy, it only shows the love of an unhappy father for his suffering son. Please, if this story offended, offended someone... then it was not my intention and goal, and I sincerely ask for your forgiveness. ... Thank you for your critical comments and warnings, I really appreciate and appreciate that you have true faith and the gospel in love and that you drew my attention to this part - honest, God bless you... I wish you God's help, protection and love as well as the protection of the Virgin Mary in your life, which we live in such a difficult and troubled time. With love, Kamil