
PiusX: Lots of Interesting Nominations

Father Davide Pagliarani, the PiusX superior general, together with his “very influent” first assistant Bishop de Galarreta is imposing a new line on the Priestly Society of Pius X, riposte-catholic.fr …More
Father Davide Pagliarani, the PiusX superior general, together with his “very influent” first assistant Bishop de Galarreta is imposing a new line on the Priestly Society of Pius X, riposte-catholic.fr (April 20) writes.
Riposte-Catholic.fr qualifies the new line as “Outside of PiusX there is no salvation.” The nominations:
• Bishop Fellay: moved from Switzerland to the U.S. Seminary.
• Bishop Tissier: moved from the U.S. to Ecône (Switzerland) for medical reasons.
• Father Schmidberger: rector of Zaitzkofen Seminary, moved to the German district.
• Father Wegner: U.S. district superior, moved to Austria.
• Father Couture: Canada district superior, moved to France. Promoted: • Father Amozurrutia, Mexico district superior: superior in Spain and Portugal. • Father Schreiber, Swiss district superior: rector of Zaitzkofen Seminary. • Father Themann, rector of the Australian Seminary: Australia’s district superior. • Father Fullerton, Australia’s district superior: U.S. district …More
There is an OLDE Italian Prophecy that I noticed on the Internet. (Mentioned in "The Prophets and Our Times by Fr Culleton Pg 145
"When the White Pope and the Black Pope shall die during the same night then there will dawn for the Christian nations the Great White Day. Woe unto the City of Philosophers, woe unto Lombardy for thy towers of joy shall be broken …More
There is an OLDE Italian Prophecy that I noticed on the Internet. (Mentioned in "The Prophets and Our Times by Fr Culleton Pg 145


"When the White Pope and the Black Pope shall die during the same night then there will dawn for the Christian nations the Great White Day. Woe unto the City of Philosophers, woe unto Lombardy for thy towers of joy shall be broken down; All the tyrants shall be put out of God's Church, and there shall occur a general conversion to the faith of Christ under the Great Lion."

This happened in 1914

Both the Pope in Rome - Pope (St) Pius X and the Jesuit Leader, called "The Black Pope" ( Franz Xavier Wernz ) died on the same night 20th August 1914 the same day that German forces marched into Brussels.

Rather strange though for our times, As Benedict could be said to be the "White Pope" and Francis a Jesuit "The Black Pope"
@CatholicDoors I've just included it in the orig. post but I'll link it again for you.
Mentioned in a book by Fr R. Gerald Culleton (1902-1950) A Californian Priest, The Book is called"The Prophets and Our Times" and the prophecy is found on Pg 145
Fr Culleton wrote two books - the other was "The Reign of Antichrist."
I'll post the link to that as well.
God …More
@CatholicDoors I've just included it in the orig. post but I'll link it again for you.

Mentioned in a book by Fr R. Gerald Culleton (1902-1950) A Californian Priest, The Book is called"The Prophets and Our Times" and the prophecy is found on Pg 145

Fr Culleton wrote two books - the other was "The Reign of Antichrist."
I'll post the link to that as well.
God Bless.

I bought the Rev Culleton books about 6 years ago, and the Yves Depont book is also in our Library. With the Church Fathers and the Documents of the Council of Trent. 🤓 I have a lot of books on my shelves -; about 5 bookcases now.......
There was a statement made at some juncture on a Latin Mass website (sorry I can't provide the link to that one) , that there was a possibility that the "Devil's …More
I bought the Rev Culleton books about 6 years ago, and the Yves Depont book is also in our Library. With the Church Fathers and the Documents of the Council of Trent. 🤓 I have a lot of books on my shelves -; about 5 bookcases now.......

There was a statement made at some juncture on a Latin Mass website (sorry I can't provide the link to that one) , that there was a possibility that the "Devil's Century" was being fueled through the development of the phenomenon of Electric Power. Live music, TV, The youth/pop culture, Media etc.... During this same discussion, it was indicated that Our Lord could remove the Devil's power, close his century, - simultaneously returning everyone back to the more pious era of the 19th century Christian values by simply pulling the plug on the supply of Electricity.

Around this time, Secularist sources started speaking about "Planet X, aka Nemesis, The second Sun, and Solar Flares... suggesting that what lay ahead could be a type of adverse Solar Activity which could destroy electrical power indefinitely. Equating the effects of electricity on the spiritual life of the world, and realising it might happen, I started collecting books, whilst everyone else was giving them away.

Favourites in the collection are the ancient pre-Christian Aramaic versions of the Old Testament translated into English called "The Targums" These are quite expensive to buy, but it's within those that the pre-incarnate Christ as "The Word" is made familiar ... as during this passage in the Targum version of Genesis 19:24

In the Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Scriptures, The Lord Jesus who St John called "The Word who became Flesh" is mentioned frequently. A Divine Person,"The Word" (or Memra") is portrayed during those Aramaic versions of Scripture as being God, yet a separate personality from the Father and Holy Spirit:

Genesis 3:20 (Palestinian Targum)
And he (Adam) said, The voice of Thy Word heard I in the garden, and I was afraid, because I am naked; and the commandment which Thou didst teach me, I have transgressed; therefore I hid myself from shame."

Targum Jonathan on Gen. 19:24
"And the Word [Memra] of the Lord caused to descend upon the peoples of Sodom and Gommorah, brimstone and fire from the Lord in heaven."

In the none Aramaic version of the text (Hebrew / Septuagint) "the Word " can be found written as "Lord" yet still TWO Divine Lords are indicated in the passage.

Gen. 19 [24] Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven

The Orthodox Church still teaches (as did St Augustine) that it was the Holy Trinity that visited Abraham. It's in Chapter 10. of "On the Trinity" Book II.

Wisdom 18 retains a clear reference to Our Lord's pre-Incarnate status as "the Word." It foretells His Incarnation

"[14] For while all things were in quiet silence, and the night was in the midst of her course, [15] Thy almighty Word leapt down from Heaven from Thy Royal Throne, as a fierce conqueror into the midst of the land of destruction."

Clear indications that some Jews of the time of Christ traditionally believed the Lord to be a Trinity can be found in The Zohar (Ancient Jewish Writings)



If those sites are not Roman Catholic - they're our teachings! Interesting to see Our Lord drawing a rare blend of Latin Rite Catholics, Baptists, Jews for Jesus, Muslims and Evangelicals into full communion with those ancient Traditions of Our Church that foolish Priests no longer Teach. Whilst OUR lawful authorities give in to pagan occultism.
“Outside of PiusX there is no salvation.” Since PiusX is not the entire Catholic Church, this statement is categorically false. Then these guys wonder why there's a popular perception of them as schismatics.
The Society are not quoted as saying "Outside the SSPX there is no Salvation" It says in the article that they say "Outside of PIUS X there is no salvation."
We all know we are SAFE as Christians submitting to Pius X, and in submitting to HIM (and Pope Pius V) we are submitting ourselves to the TRUE Roman Catholic Church as historically taught. It's probably all they mean by that statement.
God Bless …More
The Society are not quoted as saying "Outside the SSPX there is no Salvation" It says in the article that they say "Outside of PIUS X there is no salvation."
We all know we are SAFE as Christians submitting to Pius X, and in submitting to HIM (and Pope Pius V) we are submitting ourselves to the TRUE Roman Catholic Church as historically taught. It's probably all they mean by that statement.
God Bless

Another excellent Pope could be Pope Pius XII but his memory has been so destroyed by the leftwing activists, that a Saint has been covered by an infamous slander. Historically it is known that he did much to assist the Jews during the Holocaust and it is said that the Chief Rabbi of Rome became Roman Catholic due to Pope Pius XII's sterling efforts to save Jews (nearly a million) during the war. That Rabbi so admired Pius XII that he became Catholic, after the war, taking Pius's Christian Name (Eugenio) at his Baptism. What a sterling witness Pius XII must have been during that era for that Conversion to have taken place

However, regarding the suitability of Pius XII to be Canonised, the reasons for the alterations to Holy Week, which were instigated during the last days of his Pontificate need explaining to many confused people! 😏 The changes are seen as being instigated in the Pope's Name, but were made law, during that time when his health was sufficiently bad which suggests that he had no power over the alterations whatsoever. Bugnini was responsible for them.

So, regarding the statement "Outside Pius X there is no Salvation" Let's imitate this EXACTLY SSPX shall we! Perhaps the Society should return to the use of the same Missal he used at the time of his Pontificate? Then you can TRULY say you are abiding in what he abode, and reject all that arose not long after his passing that he had no part of.
God Bless you SSPX .
_the validity of the Novus Ordo ordinations are in question" @CatholicDoors -invariably by schismatics and sedevacantists. ;-)
I'm sure you'll appreciate my glee in using GTV on GTV.
_the validity of the Novus Ordo ordinations are in question" @CatholicDoors -invariably by schismatics and sedevacantists. ;-)

I'm sure you'll appreciate my glee in using GTV on GTV.
Pope Innocent III (1208), the profession of faith of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215), the bull Unam sanctam of Pope Boniface VIII (1302), and the profession of faith of the Council of Florence (1442). The axiom "No salvation outside the Church" has been frequently repeated over the centuries in different terms by the ordinary magisterium.
"What is the truth?"
When I read that, I read it in the "voice" of Pontius Pilate in The Passion of The Christ since a.) it's an epic movie and b.) he asked that same question. Okay, he asked what -is- truth. Stil...
"Who is the truth nowadays when the Church teaches doctrines contrary to the Commandments."
Well, now we must move with some careful reasoning, CatholicDoors
For starters, it's usually …More
"What is the truth?"

When I read that, I read it in the "voice" of Pontius Pilate in The Passion of The Christ since a.) it's an epic movie and b.) he asked that same question. Okay, he asked what -is- truth. Stil...

"Who is the truth nowadays when the Church teaches doctrines contrary to the Commandments."

Well, now we must move with some careful reasoning, CatholicDoors

For starters, it's usually certain members within the Church today who are teaching doctrines contrary to the Commandments. It's fairly easy to spot the "bad eggs" (like most of the higher clergy in the Germanic Catholic Church today).

Historically, the Church did not. So, to answer the question you asked, the truth as a "who" would have to be those who

1.) are part of and in communion with the Catholic Church.

2.) do teach Catholic doctrines yet

3.) do not teach doctrines contrary to the Commandments

That -does- narrow the field quite a bit. The FSSP certainly fit the bill, even if the SSPX technically fails on point 1.), IIRC.

I'm not sure if any of these are within driving distance for you, but I can give them my complete and unreserved endorsement.


These guys are the truth.

I say that with the utmost seriousness and recommend them with full confidence not only for your soul but also for mine. This isn't simply Christian charity on my part.

If I lead even just one other Catholic to the Truth, hey, that's a point in my favour.

When I'm forced to account for all the horrendous things I've done, including vivisecting people like Matty and Joe-Joe and Elbow here on GTV, hopefully an interchange like this one with you will count in my favour.

I can say, in full honesty "I'm glad you mentioned my conduct on GTV, Lord! *heh-heh...* Uh... yeah! Let's recall how I pointed CatholicDoors in the right direction of the Truth and Your ministers who preach it. Surely that must offset at least one evening's worth of humiliating Mattsixteen24."
Well, if you want an answer to "What is the truth?" or "Who is the truth" in ONE LINE, I can accomodate: Jesus Christ. He said so in (John 14:6) Protip: Your response contained three lines and at least two different topics.
One more comment from Ultraviolet
Yes, but you're obviously not particularly receptive.