De Profundis
Opinion 😅 🙈
Do not watch these shows anymore they have been taken by evil , The more people stop watching it the better for the world
Hound of Heaven
As much as I loath everything the Grammy's purportedly (I have long since stopped watching these increasingly irrelevant award shows) did to pathetically boost their ratings, I abhor a hypocritical media which 'poses' as if it is taking a 'moral high road' when it is actually repeatedly subjecting us to their grotesque gnawing upon the putrefied and maggot-infested corpse which passes for 'entertainment …More
As much as I loath everything the Grammy's purportedly (I have long since stopped watching these increasingly irrelevant award shows) did to pathetically boost their ratings, I abhor a hypocritical media which 'poses' as if it is taking a 'moral high road' when it is actually repeatedly subjecting us to their grotesque gnawing upon the putrefied and maggot-infested corpse which passes for 'entertainment' today for the purposes of boosting their ratings.
What an excellent description of hell's legions.