An American woman entered and refused to leave the men’s area of a Mosque in Jaffa. Police were called and arrested her. “I am Muslim … you will all pay for this,” she screamed as she was being arrested.
Why any woman would want to be part of that truly misogynistic religious sect is beyond me! But a "Muslim feminist" is clearly an oxymoron.
Naomi Arai
Amazing how if a priest denies an obvious lesbian Holy Hosts when she grabs at the ciborum, he is at fault...but if a woman goes into the men's side of a mosque, the woman is promptly removed by several police officers. What a world.
The progressives, liberals, and modernists have created a Clown world.
Another attention seeker. If she was actually a practising Muslim woman going to the mosque (ladies' section) she wouldn't be dressed like that. No doubt all done for clicks.
"American woman, stay away from me-ee;
American woman, mama let me be-ee..."
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 The Guess Who at their very best.
Where is the liberal out-cry? lol. She found out, real quick what the real Islam was all about.
Alejandrina Reyes
Where are The feminists??