
Wrath of God: Francis’ Pagan Vatican Threatened by Default

After six years of Francis, the financial situation in the Vatican is much worse than when Benedict XVI abandoned the boat, the Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi writes in his new book “Giudizio Universale.”

“All figures plummeted, for example, at the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA) the yield has collapsed more than 60 percent.”

The present situation is “not a wound, but a haemorrhage” according to Nuzzi.

The situation is “worrying”. The Vatican is faced with “a collapse of the management.” There is “a lack of basic information.” Cronyism is reigning, conceals abuses and privileges, and engages in ghost accounting.

The donations have plummeted. The Peter’s Pence has been reduced to half in ten years (2006: 101 million euros; 2018: 51 million euros). Only two euros out of ten go to the needy. 58% of the Peter’s Pence are used to fill in the holes of the Roman Curia.

The Vaticans real estate management is inefficient. 40% of the assets do not generate revenues. 800 of the 4421 buildings managed by APSA are empty. 15% of the leased assets are at zero rent.

Picture: Gianluigi Nuzzi, © International Journalism Festival. , CC BY-SA, #newsHovvgpiliz

De Profundis
Picture of the book presentation
"After the peak of 101 million in 2006, theObolo di San Pietro collapsed to 51 million in 2018. The scandals erode the trust of the faithful. ..58% serves to cover up the holes in the Curia, while 20% remains in the deposits, ... out of 10 euros of offers only 2 go to the needy."
Ludovic Denim
Don't you understand what they're preparing... Instead of the bankers, they want to make peoples point the fingers to the Vatican...... People, wake up !!! There is "a sudden destruction" prophesied in the 1st Epistle to Thessalonians by Saint Paul... And it seems like they would have prepared to accuse the Catholics for all the debts of the nations. Everything's possible with this peoples that made …More
Don't you understand what they're preparing... Instead of the bankers, they want to make peoples point the fingers to the Vatican...... People, wake up !!! There is "a sudden destruction" prophesied in the 1st Epistle to Thessalonians by Saint Paul... And it seems like they would have prepared to accuse the Catholics for all the debts of the nations. Everything's possible with this peoples that made Pope Benedict XVI announce his resignation on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes in 2013 through the intervention of the Central Bank of Italy and its peer of Germany that blocked all the means of payments of the Vatican for a false pretext of money-laundering that never went fixed.

Peoples didn't want to understand when it was Pope Benedict XVI that was forced out, but we're all following the Pope in this financial collapse they're setting up !! They want to put the blame on us for the last 60 years of their unbalancing budgets of the state...
Novella Nurney
I don't understand what your getting at. What exactly can they do to the laity?
Ludovic Denim
@Novella Nurney Most of the Cardinals and the Bishops and some priests seem to have made an oath under which they would have to be killed by the others like in freemasonry or in Islam if they stop to obey or fail to comply with the rules of their lodges.
Thus, only the laity can do something by informing the others people baptized that still go in the Church about the infiltration of the Catholic …More
@Novella Nurney Most of the Cardinals and the Bishops and some priests seem to have made an oath under which they would have to be killed by the others like in freemasonry or in Islam if they stop to obey or fail to comply with the rules of their lodges.

Thus, only the laity can do something by informing the others people baptized that still go in the Church about the infiltration of the Catholic Church and the deception of Vatican 2 about the 3rd Secret of Fatima as explained by Father Kramer and American journalist Christopher Ferrara from the Fatima Center (under the guidance of Father Gruner) in their book that we can find there for free. The laity must also recite daily (and if possible learn by heart) the prayer to Saint Michel by Leo the XIIIth which is the one that will make the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary happen.

During the last 60 years, Satan has pushed all his paws reshaping the world without being refrained because the laity preferred to close their eyes (with the end of the gold standard exchange made to impose Vatican 2 on earth) and take the pleasure to travel, to consume, to live from worldly pleasures. But now we arrive at the "sudden destruction" as prophesied by Saint Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5 and there will be no more rest possible as prophesied by Our Lady of La Salette in 1846 in France. Because Communism is still alive ("Russia will chastise the world", the collapse of communism was just a deception given that the consecration was never done) and Islam as Judaism believe that their Allah gave to both the world to lead...as well as freemasonry that used to believe they'll keep the power. Only the laity has the power to do something, and all the countries that don't know God can't be helped. They succeeded in the same way that Chinese peoples succeeded to make their nation powerful by exploiting their own peoples in factories or in KTV's massages. Only the lay peoples who know God and understand the problems can then really act, because God don't reply to the peoples that don't know Him of course, or to the traitors that want to innovate in His own Catholic Church.
St. Francis of Assisi: "The chalices, corporals, appointments of the altar, and everything that pertains to the sacrifice must be of precious material." Poverty is not pauperism.
Good, God is punishing all those who threw Cardinal Pell under a bus.
Pope Francis’s Vatican is "bankrupt", Nuzzi (who is though not to be trusted) told TheTimes [and only the media section has employees]