El Papa aprueba la canonización de Carlo Acutis

El Papa aprueba la canonización de Carlo Acutis

Este jueves 23 de mayo, el Santo Padre Francisco recibió en audiencia al cardenal Marcello Semeraro, Prefecto del Dicasterio para las Causas de los Santos. …
Josefa Menendez
Bergoglio no es Papa y no tiene el poder de Dios para canonizar a nadie, y esto vale para todos los que él aparentemente ha "canonizado".
Cornelio Nino Morales
Cornelio Nino Morales compartió esto
Blessed Carlo Acutis is to be made a canonised saint after a second miracle was attributed to his intercession.
I once visited the church in Assisi where Blsd. Acutis is buried. He is an incorruptible, and looks as if he was merely sleeping. The body has no signs of decay. Truly miraculous!
I wonder when they will canonize Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, and also begin the process for Theresa Newmann?
I have read that he was embalmed. We should be praying for his soul. How could it hurt?
Thanks for making this point. It appears that there was a lot of confusion about this. I assumed when I visited there that he wasn't but the local bishop issued a statement that he was indeed embalmed. Still his life of defending the Faith through social media and the internet is admirable. One of his friends who was a former Hindu attributes his conversion to Catholicism to him.
Josefa Menendez
Bergoglio no es Papa y no tiene el poder de Dios para canonizar a nadie, y esto vale para todos los que él aparentemente ha "canonizado".