Live Mike
"It is Satan who has been introduced into the bosom of the Church and within a very short time will come to rule a false Church.” - St. Padre Pio and the Third Secret of Fatima…dre-pio-knew-the-third-secret/

Padre Pio and the 3rd Secret of Fatima | Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success, Inc.

[NB The following article is from the website 1Peter5. We got permission to link and make people aware of this bit …
J G Tasan
It’s sad to note that St. Padre Pio’s body had been “snatched” to an unknown location…
It’s sad to note that St. Padre Pio’s body had been “snatched” to an unknown location…
Pope Innocent lll
Almighty God bless you Mike. When I don't pray often, I get disgusted and overwhelmed. The astonishing, tremendous evil that Padre Pio speaks of, we are contending with, a barage of deceit, heresy, perversions, disappointing priests and bishops, blasphemy... I have to pull back more often and pray, there are, as you well know, many very dark issues.
The peace of Christ to you.
Indeed the lost of faith is much more concerning than any physical catastrophe
As long as the unholy grail of evil communism Vladimir Lenin lays guarded in the Red Square, this is the sign that no consecration took place.