
Pope Francis Also Rehabilitated Another Sanctioned Cardinal

Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez ordered on January 31, 2013 that his predecessor, pro-gay Cardinal Roger Mahony, “will no longer have any administrative or public duties”. The given reason was …More
Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez ordered on January 31, 2013 that his predecessor, pro-gay Cardinal Roger Mahony, “will no longer have any administrative or public duties”.
The given reason was Mahony’s role in the homosexual abuse cover-up. Mahony had excused himself for his “failure” to protect young men.
Five years later, on January 13, 2018, Pope Francis appointed Mahony as his special envoy at the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the diocese of Scranton (March 4).
Picture: Roger Mahony, © wikicommons, CC BY, #newsImfdvfoslg
Gesù è con noi
Cardinal Roger Mahony Suspended for Abuse Cover-Up
February 1st, 2013, Promulgated by Dr. K
The man responsible for the spiritual rape of thousands of innocent Catholics in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has been effectively suspended by the present ordinary for years of sexual abuse cover-up. Today it was announced that Abp. Jose Gomez has suspended Card. Roger Mahony from participating in any …More
Cardinal Roger Mahony Suspended for Abuse Cover-Up
February 1st, 2013, Promulgated by Dr. K
The man responsible for the spiritual rape of thousands of innocent Catholics in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has been effectively suspended by the present ordinary for years of sexual abuse cover-up. Today it was announced that Abp. Jose Gomez has suspended Card. Roger Mahony from participating in any further administrative or public Church duties. According to information provided by the archdiocese, Card. Mahony and Bp. Thomas Curry (LA auxiliary and vicar for clergy) exchanged memos in the mid-1980s detailing strategies on how to impede police investigations of abusive priests. This is probably the most detailed and direct evidence made available to date concerning episcopal cover-up of abusive priests.
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has released 12,000 pages of files on a shocking 124 priests alleged to have sexually abused minors

Gesù è con noi
Thu Jan 29, 2009
Cardinal Mahony Under Investigation for Clergy Sex Scandal Cover-Up
By Kathleen Gilbert
LOS ANGELES, January 29, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Federal investigators have launched a probe against Cardinal Roger Mahony and other officials of the L.A. Archdiocese to determine whether he was guilty of fraud by covering up clerical sex abuse, according to a Los Angeles Times report yesterday. …More
Thu Jan 29, 2009

Cardinal Mahony Under Investigation for Clergy Sex Scandal Cover-Up

By Kathleen Gilbert

LOS ANGELES, January 29, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Federal investigators have launched a probe against Cardinal Roger Mahony and other officials of the L.A. Archdiocese to determine whether he was guilty of fraud by covering up clerical sex abuse, according to a Los Angeles Times report yesterday. www.lifesitenews.com/news/cardinal-mahony…
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Wuerl and Roger Mahony are members of the Board of Trustees of the Papal Foundation