
The Bishop Got Married

Three months after Francis accepted his resignation, former Solsona Bishop, Xavier Novell, 52, married Sílvia Caballol, 38.

The civil ceremony took place on November 22 in the afternoon at the magistrate's court in Súria, a municipality located on the outskirts of Manresa, near Barcelona.

Novell, a trained agricultural engineer, found a job with Semen Cardona, a company dedicated to the artificial insemination of pigs.

According to Canon Law [which is only used to fight what is Catholic], a cleric who attempts a civil marriage incurs a latae sententiae suspension; if he doesn’t repent, he can be punished “even by dismissal from the clerical state” (1394 §1).


He traded the so called joys of this life for life eternal. Tragic. May he repent
"He traded the so called joys of this life".... What are you talking about? It said he got married. :D
Defeat Modernism
He was never a bishop to begin with. Novus Ordo 'consecrations' are doubtful at best. As are the 'priest' ordinations of these faithless, immoral modernists pretending to be Catholics.
The Church disagrees with you. And "doubtful" does not automatically mean impossible. It's doubtful I will win the Lotto but it could happen.
Consecrated a bishop in 2010, Benedict was pope even then..... sad! the rot is deep
Wilma Lopez
Nails it.
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Do not divorce.