
Liturgical Abuse: No Punishment, No Remorse

The Liturgical Office of Bergamo Diocese, Italy, has asked Father Eros Accorigi of Ossanesga, not to allow altar girls to hand out Communion, he told LaNuovaBq.it. The reason given was that it could …More
The Liturgical Office of Bergamo Diocese, Italy, has asked Father Eros Accorigi of Ossanesga, not to allow altar girls to hand out Communion, he told LaNuovaBq.it.
The reason given was that it could scandalise others, Accorigi said.
He stressed that the public scandal was the problem, not the liturgical abuse, and that he didn't think that he had done anything wrong.
Children are “purer” than adults, he fooled his audience but was confronted with the truism that distributing Communion is not about "purity" but about Holy Orders.
The criticism he received made him feel as if he had killed someone but he adamantly insistet that “I don't think the Eucharist was vilified...I don't think so.”
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Just a question..............did anyone catch the Nov.2 All Souls Mass from a cemetary in Rome presided over by Pope Francis?
He looked and acted terrible yesterday.
And today at the Mass for deceased Benedict XVI and cardinals who died, he looked worse, at times looked in pain in his throne, out of breath, weak voice, no expression, etc.
Maybe this is the beginning of the end.....................…More
Just a question..............did anyone catch the Nov.2 All Souls Mass from a cemetary in Rome presided over by Pope Francis?
He looked and acted terrible yesterday.
And today at the Mass for deceased Benedict XVI and cardinals who died, he looked worse, at times looked in pain in his throne, out of breath, weak voice, no expression, etc.
Maybe this is the beginning of the end............................