
Catholic Poland? From Bad to Worse

The annual decline in Poland’s birth rate has reached 11%, the first time it has hit a double-digit figure (NotesFromPoland.com, October 26).

Between January and September 2023, the number of births, 210,000, was 25,000 (10.6%) lower than in the same period in 2022. The number of deaths increased by 34,000 to 303,000 during this period.

By 2022, the number of births had already fallen to its lowest level since the Second World War and the number of deaths exceeded the number of births for the tenth consecutive year.

The number of births has fallen 30% in six years.

While Francis and his decadent followers flirt with homosex, the lowest fertility rates in the EU are among “Catholic” countries: Poland (1,33), Italy (1.25), Spain (1.19), Malta (1.13). No one in the [s]ex-synod worried about this.

During its eight years in power, the Law and Justice (PiS) party has unsuccessfully made increasing the birth rate one of its main goals, introducing a number of social programmes designed to support families.

Picture: © Tjflex2, Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsSnxepxrlub

There was a young woman from Poland studying in the US in a sociology class I taught last year. She said that she was Catholic, and by all accounts a normative heterosexual but I was surprised that in class discussions she was very pro LGBT and believed that gender was fluid and flexible. She also said she admired Pope Francis, which didn't surprise me. In my estimation, the social media is one of …More
There was a young woman from Poland studying in the US in a sociology class I taught last year. She said that she was Catholic, and by all accounts a normative heterosexual but I was surprised that in class discussions she was very pro LGBT and believed that gender was fluid and flexible. She also said she admired Pope Francis, which didn't surprise me. In my estimation, the social media is one of the strongest inculcating agents among the Gen Z crowd for this new social norm, and then reinforced and enforced by a progressive indoctrination educational system, and corporate business environment.
Many young Poles have emigrated. It would be interesting to see the proportion of births as a percentage of the fertile population. It might give a different picture.
Mateusz Człowiek Nazwisko-nieistotne
Unfortunate Poland has become devils den...
It is full of descendants of Evil one now.