
Francis' Secretary of State on Whistle-Blower Viganò, “The Situation Is Not Worrying at All”

The Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin has not noticed "any particular difficulties” during the recent trip of Pope Francis to Ireland.

During the trip news broke that former U.S. nuncio Carlo Maria Viganò had broken his silence and is accusing Francis of having covered up the McCarrick case.

Talking to La Stampa (August 30), Parolin commented Viganò’s statement with: “It is not possible to express anything else than pain”.

He showed that he is in denial by adding: “Certainly the situation is not worrying at all.”

La Stampa, known in Italy as an anti-Church outlet, belongs to the Bergoglio propaganda machine.

Parolin refused to enter into the details [facts] of the statement.

Instead he repeats the empty words of Pope Francis about the text: "You read it, and make your judgement. The text speaks for itself.”

The Viganò statement has destroyed Francis' credibility.

Picture: Pietro Parolin, © Catholic Church (England and Wales) CC BY-NC-SA, #newsNvltjlhenk
Viganò dit la vérité, mais il est bien seul !
Le secrétaire d'État de François sur le dénonciateur Viganò, "La situation n'est pas du tout inquiétante".
Le Secrétaire d’État du Vatican, le Cardinal Pietro Parolin n'a pas remarqué « de difficultés particulières » lors du récent voyage du Pape François en Irlande.
Au cours du voyage, on a appris que l'ancien nonce Carlo Maria Viganò avait rompu son silence et accusé François d'avoir couvert …More
Le secrétaire d'État de François sur le dénonciateur Viganò, "La situation n'est pas du tout inquiétante".
Le Secrétaire d’État du Vatican, le Cardinal Pietro Parolin n'a pas remarqué « de difficultés particulières » lors du récent voyage du Pape François en Irlande.

Au cours du voyage, on a appris que l'ancien nonce Carlo Maria Viganò avait rompu son silence et accusé François d'avoir couvert l'affaire McCarrick.

Parlant à La Stampa (30 août), Parolin a commenté la déclaration de Viganò avec : « Il n'est pas possible d'exprimer autre chose que la douleur. »

Il a montré qu'il est dans le déni en ajoutant : « La situation n'est certainement pas du tout inquiétante. »

La Stampa, connue en Italie comme un point de vente anti-église, appartient à la machine de propagande de Bergoglio.

Parolin a refusé d'entrer dans les détails [les faits] de la déclaration.

Au lieu de cela, il répète les paroles vides du Pape François au sujet du texte : « Vous le lisez, et vous portez votre jugement. Le texte parle de lui-même. »

La déclaration de Viganò a détruit la crédibilité de François.
Parolin is another Bergolio!
Dr Bobus
Parolin is washing his hands of the situation--a la Pontius Pilate
The fact that the situation in Ireland is "not worrying" to these self-absorbed people - speaks for itself. If they were the Priests that they claim to be they would be in deepest mourning for the deplorable state of the Church and widespread paganism that originates in their OWN lack of fidelity to the Catholic Church and Traditional Faith
There is an ancient prophecy linked with Ireland that 7 …More
The fact that the situation in Ireland is "not worrying" to these self-absorbed people - speaks for itself. If they were the Priests that they claim to be they would be in deepest mourning for the deplorable state of the Church and widespread paganism that originates in their OWN lack of fidelity to the Catholic Church and Traditional Faith

There is an ancient prophecy linked with Ireland that 7 years before the "last day" Ireland will have so offended our Lord - that it will be totally immersed in water. Two great ancient Saints foretold the calamity - St Patrick and St Columba

So is recorded St. Columba

"I concede a favour to them without exception,
and St Patrick also did concede the same;
that seven years before the last day,
the sea shall submerge Eirin by one inundation"

......it is known that Ireland was struck again and again with Lightning on the eve of the recent over-turning of the abortion policy, with a massive amount of Lightning strikes that terrified the entire County. Testimonies state nothing like it has every been seen ......

If these blind guides are unable to read the "signs" of the end as dictated by Our Lord Christ's TRUE Shepherds, and REAL Sheep are not so lacking in Faith

Remembering Pope Benedict saying "Pray for me unless I flee due to the wolves"?

By making that statement he stated that he has taken the warnings given by our Lord to the un-canonised Mystic Bl. Elizabeth Canori-Mora extremely seriously

"On 22nd March, 1814, Bl. Elizabeth was praying for Pope Pius VII, when she suddenly had a vision of the Holy Father being persecuted by a pack of "wolves": During this vision, she saw the pope:

"surrounded by wolves who plotted to betray him… I saw the Sanhedrin of wolves which surrounded the Pope, and two angels weeping… when I asked them why they were sad and lamenting, looking upon Rome with eyes full of compassion they responded, ‘Wretched city, ungrateful people, the justice of God will chastise you.’”

“many ecclesiastics who persecute Jesus Crucified and His holy Gospel under the guise of doing good… Like furious wolves they scheme to pull the Church leader down from his throne.” Then she was allowed to see the terrible indignation these wolves aroused in God. In terror I saw the blazing lightening bolts of Divine Justice fall about me. I saw buildings collapsing in ruins. Cities, regions and the whole world fell into chaos. One heard nothing but countless weak voices calling out for mercy. Countless people will be killed. [I saw that God was] extremely angry with those who persecute Him. His omnipotent hands were holding bolts of lightening, His face was resplendent with indignation and His gaze alone was enough to incinerate the whole world.”

This part of Bl. Elizabeth's vision, with a vision of lightening bolts and Divine Justice recalls various biblical passages related to the Second Coming of Christ:

For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. (Matt 24:27-28)"

GJA Taylor
Well Card. Parolin must think we are all blind and deaf! What planet is he on? Archbishop Vigano's statement does indeed speak for itself - the Vatican under this bad pope has become a corpse.