Dissident religious sisters flout Church teaching with blasphemous ‘Pride month prayer service’ - …

(LifeSiteNews) – A group of dissident religious Catholic sisters hosted a blasphemous pro-LGBT “prayer …
Billy F
Degenerate Daughters of Gomorrah!
I read an account of wide-spread priestly sexual abuse in some convents. Sorry, I have nothing to back that up.
Sad to say, many "sisters" are lesbians - the queer priests just get more press due to abuse crimes. I have first hand knowledge of this when I visited an elderly liberal - albeit fairly nice - nun I'm acquainted with and was SHOCKED that the gift shop attached to the convent was full of LGBT stuff - such as rainbow flags & 'pronoun pins'! Plus they were flying both the gay flag & the trans flag!!…More
Sad to say, many "sisters" are lesbians - the queer priests just get more press due to abuse crimes. I have first hand knowledge of this when I visited an elderly liberal - albeit fairly nice - nun I'm acquainted with and was SHOCKED that the gift shop attached to the convent was full of LGBT stuff - such as rainbow flags & 'pronoun pins'! Plus they were flying both the gay flag & the trans flag!!! The saddest part was the museum they had about the life of their founder and one could see she was a real Catholic and person of deep faith in Christ. She must be sorrowing over her spiritual daughters. 😭 🙏
Denis Efimov
For they are in the church of Satan. They still have a chance to turn away from sin and confess while they are still alive.