
Cancelled! No Episcopal Ordination In Catholic Church

The pro-homosex Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia cancelled the ordination of a bishop scheduled in a Catholic church in Williamsburg after Internet protests which first surfaced on Gloria.tv.

The ordination was moved to an interdenominational chapel.

Richmond Catholic Bishop Barry Knestout received the news on January 17 “with great sadness.”


Gesù è con noi
Get Jesus Outta Here
Make room for the apostates.
Get Jesus Outta Here

Make room for the apostates.
Looks like the Laity do have a voice.
I also notice a increase in the number of Bishops speaking out against this madness.
Deo Gratias
Church Triumphant
Church Suffering
Church Militant
Quote of Michael Hichborn from www.lifesitenews.com/news/catholic-bishop… article: “Any Catholic who would attempt to ordain or consecrate a woman would incur the penalty of excommunication, laetetia sententiae, so why is a Protestant organization attempting the same thing being permitted to conduct such a mockery inside a Catholic Church?” he asked. “Can Msgr. Lehman and Bishop Knestout not …More
Quote of Michael Hichborn from www.lifesitenews.com/news/catholic-bishop… article: “Any Catholic who would attempt to ordain or consecrate a woman would incur the penalty of excommunication, laetetia sententiae, so why is a Protestant organization attempting the same thing being permitted to conduct such a mockery inside a Catholic Church?” he asked. “Can Msgr. Lehman and Bishop Knestout not see the scandalous inconsistency in such permission?”

“This is as much of a desecration as if the bishop had permitted a Protestant same-sex ‘wedding’ to take place in a Catholic Church,” he said.
As Les Femmes-The Truth blog said, It's ironic that a priestess of the Episcopal Church cares more about the sensibilities of the Catholic flock than the shepherd does! Shame on you, Bishop Knestout!
Thors Catholic Hammer
The incident highlights how out of touch are the bishops who continue to recognize the false pontificate of the recently excommunicated Jorge Bergoglio aka “francis 1st”
When was he excommunicated?
Novella Nurney
In contrast to the bishop, I receive this news with great joy !