
Forced Vaccinations: State Takes Over Our Bodys - Bishop Schneider

Accepting abortion-tainted covid injections is a way to “normalise the horror of genocide,” Bishop Athanasius Schneider told RemnantNewspaper.com (January 7), adding that "the Church" participates in …More
Accepting abortion-tainted covid injections is a way to “normalise the horror of genocide,” Bishop Athanasius Schneider told RemnantNewspaper.com (January 7), adding that "the Church" participates in this.
Schneider calls the fetal industry “cannibalism” because it exploits and markets the flesh of murdered children.
He reminds that the Covid shots are “experimental” and that their producers are not held accountable for negative effects.
The methods used to impose Covid-shots are for Schneider those of a "real dictatorship” which is built on lying and murder. Vaccination free human beings become “second-class citizens” who are not allowed to enter certain places.
He compared these measures to the apartheid in South Africa and to National-Socialism. Mandatory vaccinations mean that "the state is appropriating our body which is a temple of the Holy Spirit."
Our Lady of Fatima gave us the solution, but so few want to hear it! Too simple I guess!
Jeffrey Ade
Some may be aware that the state has taken over our bodies ages ago! Ours is a communist state, and this is just one more level into the true spirit of communism!
Actually A Catholic
May God bless and protect Bishop Athanasius Schneider -- a GOOD shepherd who will be able to face our Lord and account for his care of the flock entrusted to him BY GOD.
Unlike far too many other priests and bishops who will quake when they must account for their flocks -- may they repent and reform while there is yet time.More
May God bless and protect Bishop Athanasius Schneider -- a GOOD shepherd who will be able to face our Lord and account for his care of the flock entrusted to him BY GOD.

Unlike far too many other priests and bishops who will quake when they must account for their flocks -- may they repent and reform while there is yet time.
i agree with the archbishop. dont forget God is with the Truth and Jesus is the Truth the Way and Life