
Francis Allowed PiusX To Ordain Whomever They Wish

The Society Pius X is “completely regular,” James Bogle, a former Una Voce President, told Gloria.tv at the Roman Forum in Gardone, Italy (video below). Bogle is a barrister in London. He counseled in …More
The Society Pius X is “completely regular,” James Bogle, a former Una Voce President, told Gloria.tv at the Roman Forum in Gardone, Italy (video below).
Bogle is a barrister in London. He counseled in the cases of Archie Battersbee (2010-2022) and Alfie Evans (2016-2018), who were sentenced to death by British courts, the latter despite interventions by the Italian and Vatican governments.
Francis "recognised" all PiusX sacraments, including marriage and confession, Bogle notes. In March 2015, Bishop Fellay was appointed a Vatican judge for all annulments and clerical misdemeanours in PiusX.
Fellay told Bogle in May 2015 that Francis had written him a personal letter allowing him to ordain "whomever he wants", without having to consult the local bishop. Bogle calls this not just a recognition but a "special privilege".
A member of the Order of Malta, Bogle believes Francis has "saved" the Order. At the 2014 Chapter General, a group of Germans were elected to the governing body and then …More
Wilma Lopez
St John Henry Newman on liturgical reform: "We must be aware of the great error of making changes on no more definite basis that their abstract fitness, alleged scripturalness, or adoption by the ancients. Such changes are rightly called innovations; those which spring from existing institutions, opinions, and feelings are called developments, and may be recommended without invidiousness, as …More
St John Henry Newman on liturgical reform: "We must be aware of the great error of making changes on no more definite basis that their abstract fitness, alleged scripturalness, or adoption by the ancients. Such changes are rightly called innovations; those which spring from existing institutions, opinions, and feelings are called developments, and may be recommended without invidiousness, as improvements."
Francis "recognised" all PiusX sacraments, including marriage and confession. This statement is erroneous. The sacraments do no exclusively belong to SSPX. Also, he cannot make this statement since Rome and SSPX have not reconciled the doctrinal issue - unless this was secretly done by Fellay.
James Bogle
No, it is not erroneous. It is correct. No-one (except you) has suggested that the Sacraments "belong to SSPX". The Pope has authority (if rightly exercised) to say that the Sacraments of certain clergy are illicit and even invalid. The Pope has said (by word and/or deed) that all the Sacraments of the SSPX clergy are usually, and within certain stated bounds, licit and valid.
You next make an …More
No, it is not erroneous. It is correct. No-one (except you) has suggested that the Sacraments "belong to SSPX". The Pope has authority (if rightly exercised) to say that the Sacraments of certain clergy are illicit and even invalid. The Pope has said (by word and/or deed) that all the Sacraments of the SSPX clergy are usually, and within certain stated bounds, licit and valid.

You next make an egregious error when you claim the Sacraments are not valid if there are doctrinal differences and you claim what no-one claims i.e. that doctrinal divergences invalid Sacraments.

That is clearly false since the Catholic Church recognises the validity (not the liceity) of the Sacraments of numerous heretical and schismatic sects e.g. of many of the Orthodox churches and even of the so-called "Liberal Catholic Church" (originally called "the Old Catholic Church") even though there are very serious doctrinal differences with them.

Finally, there are NO doctrinal differences between the teachings of SSPX and the teachings of the Catholic Church. SSPX merely teaches what the Catholic Church has always taught throughout history.

There are doctrinal differences between the teachings of SSPX (which are those of the Church throughout history) and certain sections of the modern Church but that is because those certain sections are in error, and in some cases in outright heresy e.g. those within the Church who believe priestesses can be validly ordained or that the irregularly re-married can, without regularisation, repentance and absolution, receive Holy Communion.

It is they who are in doctrinal error - not SSPX.
Mary K Jones
Thank you, Mr. Bogle and Gloria TV (& Eva) for an excellent video. I was sorry I couldn't attend the Roman Forum this year, but the video gave me a little sample of what I missed. This was a clear explanation of true and false obedience which seems so hard for 21st century people to comprehend. Again, thank you, and God bless you!
James Bogle
My pleasure and thank you! Hope to see you next year! JB.
Response to Mr. Bogle: The SSPX adheres to all doctrines and dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church. We hear pronouncements from Rome about suppressing the TLM, that all religions offer a pathway to God, that pagan statues and mother earth are compatible with Catholic teaching, and we must modify our lifestyle to address the concerns of global warming – all comng from the Chair of Peter. Aside from …More
Response to Mr. Bogle: The SSPX adheres to all doctrines and dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church. We hear pronouncements from Rome about suppressing the TLM, that all religions offer a pathway to God, that pagan statues and mother earth are compatible with Catholic teaching, and we must modify our lifestyle to address the concerns of global warming – all comng from the Chair of Peter. Aside from these distractions we learn child touchers are relocated to other parishes and many bishops including those with a white cassock look the other way. The Pope is supposed to safeguard the teaching traditions of the Church, not offer wordly opinions that do nothing to advance the sanctification of his flock. Now given all that, the SSPX is not some rogue society in the Church. The administration of the sacraments by validly ordained priests of the SSPX are just as valid as any parish priest. They do not need permission from the Pope as some think. The are not in scism as some believe. They are not sedevacatists. I was being sarcastic in my comment.