God’s design is - The Central Dogma states that genetic information flows in specific directions: From existing DNA to make new DNA (a process called DNA replication) From DNA to make new RNA (transcription) From RNA to make new proteins (translation).
Disorientation of the above is Reverse transcriptase has a high error rate when transcribing RNA into DNA since, unlike most other DNA polymerases …More
God’s design is - The Central Dogma states that genetic information flows in specific directions: From existing DNA to make new DNA (a process called DNA replication) From DNA to make new RNA (transcription) From RNA to make new proteins (translation).

Disorientation of the above is Reverse transcriptase has a high error rate when transcribing RNA into DNA since, unlike most other DNA polymerases, it has no proofreading ability. This high error rate allows mutations to accumulate at an accelerated rate relative to proofread forms of replication.
Live Mike shares this
Maria delos Angeles
In the USA, the way things are going, they will Soylent Green people when so many die they will find ways to make money from it, and put people into recycled, fake meat products from roadkill and human biosludge (25 states have passed laws to dispose of humans this way), with all their lovely mRNA, PFAS, contraceptives etc cannibal
Live Mike
Maria delos Angeles
Thanks for that.
Everyday for Life Canada
Once you open Pandora’s box, the evil spreads without limits. Only the light of Christ can counter it.
Maria delos Angeles
Someone needs to sneak blessed Miraculous medals in these weapons depots wherever they are being held