
Message to French Bishops: Francis Gives New Meaning to the Concept of Hypocrisy

Francis, the most fierce persecutor of the Catholic liturgy in recent history, has urged the French bishops to show "the greatest care" and "paternity" for people - especially young people, priests and …More
Francis, the most fierce persecutor of the Catholic liturgy in recent history, has urged the French bishops to show "the greatest care" and "paternity" for people - especially young people, priests and lay people - who are "disoriented" by the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes, "on whose [merciless] implementation you will work".
This message was written for the bishops gathered in Lourdes and delivered by Cardinal Parolin on 3 November.
"They [= the Catholics] are often wounded sheep who need to be accompanied, listened to and given time," Francis concluded of himself to others.
With this text he established himself as the father of all hypocrisy.
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See Hakuna and Pachamama in Rome