
Schneider: The Results of the Synod on Synodality are Conceived in Advance

Bishop Athanasius Schneider assumes that the results of the Synod on Synodality are already in place. He said this in an interview with @cjm-media and Gloria.tv (17 November).

Already at the 2014/2015 Family Synod, several bishops reported to him that their objections were not taken into account and Amoris Laetitia, the result of that synod, appeared conceived in advance.

Schneider expects that the current Synod will juxtapose ambiguous/wrong and correct statements in order to "reassure the conservatives".

This is how Vatican II proceeded, as well as Amoris Laetitia, but with the current Synod it maybe "even worse". For Schneider, synodality is a "trick" and "cover" to "further dilute the faith of the Church."

It is wrong and a Protestant thing to put revealed truths of faith about sexuality, homosexuality and women's ordination "up for discussion". This, Schneider said, corresponds to a political parliament, but not to the truth of the faith.

Schneider has learned from several countries that votes in favour of the Roman Mass were received by the Synod but excluded from the documents.

He has no hope for a positive outcome because Francis has filled the Synod's leadership only with people who demand a whitewash of homosexuality. He names Cardinals Hollerich and Grech and the French nun Nathalie Becquart.

"When these people sit at the helm of the Synod, you don't need to be particularly intelligent to see that the results are already fixed from the outset," Schneider soberly observes.

For him, insulting Catholics as "ideologues" [by Francis] is a misuse of the term, because the true ideologues are the leaders of the Synod, who set their opinions against the Word of God and "ruthlessly" enforce them against Catholics.

The Church has begun in the 1970s to adapt to the world, "to see everything naturalistically without the supernatural view of faith". Since then, this adaptation has become radicalised. One wants to transform the Church into a human association, an NGO, a [left-wing] party that disregards the faith and adapts to the fashions of the time, Schneider explains.

He considers the Synod a logical consequence of the parliamentary style introduced in the Church. An excess of commissions, discussion groups and meetings is indirectly proportional to the faith.

Parallel to the flood of documents, in the last decades foxes have been put in charge to guard the chicken. Already John Paul II and unfortunately also Benedict XVI have "appointed obviously liberal, faithless clerics as bishops and cardinals" - Schneider remarks:

"What good is a beautiful document and a synod if these bishops and cardinals continue to corrode the faith in their sphere of influence?"


Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, the synod’s relator general, has caused controversy in recent months for saying same-sex-union blessings are “not a settled matter” and that Church teaching on homosexuality “is no longer correct” and can be changed.
In April, Xavière Sister Nathalie Becquart, undersecretary of the synod’s secretariat, gave an uncritical address to New Ways Ministry, which promotes …More
Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, the synod’s relator general, has caused controversy in recent months for saying same-sex-union blessings are “not a settled matter” and that Church teaching on homosexuality “is no longer correct” and can be changed.

In April, Xavière Sister Nathalie Becquart, undersecretary of the synod’s secretariat, gave an uncritical address to New Ways Ministry, which promotes “LGBT” rights in the Church, leading to strong criticism from Church leaders and prominent lay faithful.
Wilma Lopez
“One thing is clear to me. God is out of the picture in this vile synodal process. The Holy Spirit has absolutely nothing to do with it.” - Bishop Robert Mutsaerts, Dutch Auxiliary Bishop
Credo .
God bless you Bishop Athanasius Schneider! > 🙏 🙏 🙏
De Profundis
"When we are celebrating Mass, the best way to take care of our faithful is not to think of them, but to lift them up and lead them to die with Christ and live a new life with Him!" Cardinal Robert Sarah
P. O'B
Bishop Schneider states the obvious, but good for him.
Sancte Teotónio
Still he fails to see that if JPII and BXVI appointed liberals ... maybe that's because they were liberals too, just maybe.
Answers written before the questions. No doubt. God doesn’t get a look-in. 🤪
Jo Santoss
The result are in before the count is finished reminds me of our elections 🥴
Cassandra Laments
1970s? Who's he kidding. Was that a misprint? 1960s would be an official/public start but this really started decades earlier. If it hadn't, Russia would have been consecrated as requested by Our Lady and VII would never have happened.
My thoughts exactly, as one who lived through that era.
(1) The New American Catholic (NBC, 1968) - YouTubeMore
My thoughts exactly, as one who lived through that era.

(1) The New American Catholic (NBC, 1968) - YouTube
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
John Fritz Logan's observations #1-6 are 100% accurate, and valid arguments that this "Synod" will not proceed as smoothly as Francis and his radical thugs want. There are many bishops, and even national bishops conferences against the Synod. Archbishop Schneider is a hero for the Catholic Faith. So are Muller,Sarah,Burke,Erdo and Eijk. If I were to bet on who succeeds heretic Francis, I would bet …More
John Fritz Logan's observations #1-6 are 100% accurate, and valid arguments that this "Synod" will not proceed as smoothly as Francis and his radical thugs want. There are many bishops, and even national bishops conferences against the Synod. Archbishop Schneider is a hero for the Catholic Faith. So are Muller,Sarah,Burke,Erdo and Eijk. If I were to bet on who succeeds heretic Francis, I would bet none of Francis favorites, and no Francis clone, but rather one of these good men. I would not be surprised if the College of Cardinals (the good men), looked beyond themselves and called Schneider to the Papal Throne, or perhaps another solid, good Archbishop or Patriarch that Francis has deliberatly ignored and avoided raising to the cardinalate. I think if Benedict XVI had not turned coward and quit, Schneider would probably be a Cardinal already.
Cassandra Laments
I don't think we can bet anything on this - it'll play out as God wishes and it depends how much longer He has decided this horror will continue.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I wonder if Pope Francis and his fellow homo loving heretics are aware of the tidal wave of opposition building against them?
John Fritz Logan
They are indeed repeating a lot of tricks from Vatican II but the attempt to turn this into a de facto Vatican III won't prove easy I think because:
1. Some said an actual Vatican III should be organised after the synod, so this might not be sufficient.
2. Vatican II did have the status of an ecumenical council (albeit vague whether it was doctrinal) this doesn't.
3. Little real support amongst …More
They are indeed repeating a lot of tricks from Vatican II but the attempt to turn this into a de facto Vatican III won't prove easy I think because:

1. Some said an actual Vatican III should be organised after the synod, so this might not be sufficient.
2. Vatican II did have the status of an ecumenical council (albeit vague whether it was doctrinal) this doesn't.
3. Little real support amongst most bishops.
4. Surprisingly little support amongst the mainstream media at this point.
5. Backlash to the German synodal path and to Francis.
6. The clearly ad hoc nature of th entire process and it being extended again.

For any results to be pushed through, Francis has to make it to the end of 2024 anyways.