
Francis Asks To Pray for „Pope Benedict"

At the February 20 General Audience, Pope Francis mentioned the upcoming Feast of the Chair of St Peter. In this context he asked to pray for him and his predecessor whom he called "Pope Benedict", "…More
At the February 20 General Audience, Pope Francis mentioned the upcoming Feast of the Chair of St Peter.
In this context he asked to pray for him and his predecessor whom he called "Pope Benedict",
"Pray for me and for my ministry, also for Pope Benedict, so that [the Petrine ministry] always and everywhere may strengthen the brothers in the Faith."
Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA, #newsGkevqabskv
One should not exclude that truth about being pope Benedict XVI, (apart from Benedict XVI himself, Archbishop Ganswein, Archbishop John Paul Lenga, Bishop Gracida and faithful Catholics), knows Francis himself.
Ask not what you can do for your bishop of rome, ask what the bishop of Rome can do for you. Answer: go to Argentina forever!