France: Abortion in Constitution, Hell Breaks Loose (Video)

Eerie jubilation scenes unfolded on the Esplanade du Trocadéro in Paris to celebrate the French regime's claim that abortion is a "constitutional right".

Purple smoke bombs flew to the rhythm of Beyoncé's song 'Run the World (Girls)' against the backdrop of the glittering Eiffel Tower with the message 'My Body, My Choice' [not referring to Covid injections].

Even [hypocritical] supporters of murderous abortion denounced the indecency of these crowds and also of the political supporters of this bill.


As Abel's innocent blood cried out to Heaven for vengeance, today it is the blood of the unborn that demands it. We must pray to repair this crime against humanity, for God's chastisement will be great.
Miserere nostri Domine, miserere nostri!
Liam Ronan
@Hélène33 Let us pray too for all those unborn children whose miscarriage/spontaneous abortion occurred completely unknown to their parents who chose to use 'the birth control pill' and which had an abortifacient effect preventing implantation of the fertilized egg. Who knows how many were lost and continue to be lost?
@Liam Ronan, God alone knows the enormity of this genocide! 😭
They are celebrating abortion and smiling, but some of them would cry if their puppy were to die.
Apropos, in France abortion is mostly called IVG, an acronym standing for interruption volontaire de grossesse.
Just pronouncing three letters of the alphabet, instead of using the real name (avortement), tends to hide what abortion really is.More
They are celebrating abortion and smiling, but some of them would cry if their puppy were to die.

Apropos, in France abortion is mostly called IVG, an acronym standing for interruption volontaire de grossesse.

Just pronouncing three letters of the alphabet, instead of using the real name (avortement), tends to hide what abortion really is.
Liam Ronan
@Adrien The land of Charlie Hebdo.
Liam Ronan
@Adrien and Bataclan.
chris griffin
This is France celebrating their own murderous souls.
Liam Ronan @chris griffin They roared with the same demonic hysteria and bloodcurdling celebration in Ireland in 2018 when Ireland's Constitutional protection of the unborn was overturned by a 66% popular vote...every County but for County Donegal. (God bless the County Donegal!)