
Ireland: "Catholic" Youth Service Promotes "Condoms And Lube"

The Kerry Diocesan Youth Service (KDYS), Ireland, took to social media on July 26 to promote a van initiative run by Cork’s "Sexual Health" Centre that is campaigning for abortion, homosex and free contraception.

The Youth Service was founded in 1971 by Kerry Diocese and is considered the leading Youth Work Organisation in the South West of Ireland.

The van drives around offering “free products” including “condoms and lube” and free HIV tests.

Simultaneously propagating homosex and "sexual health" is like advising a drunk person to wear a safety helmet when driving a car.


Jo Santoss
St Patrick Said if Ireland Lost it's Faith it would go into the Sea. Wake up before it's too late
Jeffrey Ade
Construction worker language hit my head first thing when i saw this! So I'll change it to "poor souls, Jesus forgive them for they know not what they do."
Wilma Lopez
This is the bus team
We catholics ,dont quit the catholic church we fight for the truth and resist what is wrong and focus in Jesus and Saviour our Lord Jesus Christ
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I don't go to the Catholic Church anymore. If at all, to the Greek Orthodox Church. I am convinced that "Popee" Francia and all his homo appointments and Vaican advisors are of Satan. Pope Francis could very well be the anti-Christ. I have no respect for him, or any of his "cardinals" or "bishops". For me, and I hope a growing number of Catholics, there is no more Roman Catholic Church, or Papacy,…More
I don't go to the Catholic Church anymore. If at all, to the Greek Orthodox Church. I am convinced that "Popee" Francia and all his homo appointments and Vaican advisors are of Satan. Pope Francis could very well be the anti-Christ. I have no respect for him, or any of his "cardinals" or "bishops". For me, and I hope a growing number of Catholics, there is no more Roman Catholic Church, or Papacy, except among sede vacantist groups, the SSPX, etc. Francis recieving on Friday in audience a group of Transsexual/transvestite homosexual prostitutes in the VAtican, hosted by the probably gay "cardinal" Krajewski was the alst straw for me. NO POPE before Francis, would ever recieve filth like that in audience, let alone even let them into the VAtican or St.Peter's.
John A Cassani
The head of the Greek Orthodox Church is Bartholemew, who is cut from the exact same cloth as Bergoglio. Seek the truth, and pray fro the Church.