
Cardinal Becciu Is Francis’ “Scapegoat”

The article of the Italian magazine L’Espresso which announced Cardinal Becciu's dismissal was created on September 24 at 10:12 am - 7 hours and 48 minutes before Francis actually fired Becciu.

Moreover, Francis had an issue of L’Espresso in his hands while talking to Becciu. Vik van Brantegem asks on Korazym.org (November 19), "How did L'Espresso know that Becciu would be ‘expelled’, almost 8 hours before the actual ‘expulsion’?"

His answer: Francis himself informed the magazine beforehand. Brantegem asks a second question: Why does Francis defend Bishop Zanchetta who was condemned in Argentina but not Cardinal Becciu who wasn’t condemned by any tribunal?

His answer: Francis sacrificed Becciu as a "scapegoat."

Picture: Angelo Becciu, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsBwexdahxze