
Mantra Cardinal Invokes Poor, Peripheries and Plague

After the coronavirus, the middle class will be “the new poor," Bologna Cardinal Matteo Zuppi invoked a first Francis mantra, during an Internet chat with Family associations (IlMessaggero.it, April 21). …More
After the coronavirus, the middle class will be “the new poor," Bologna Cardinal Matteo Zuppi invoked a first Francis mantra, during an Internet chat with Family associations (IlMessaggero.it, April 21).
The second Francis mantra followed quickly, when he spoke about “reconnecting the wires with the peripheries” which are for him also “psychological and existential.”
He called it “beautiful and spectacular” that Francis created next to Saint Peter’s a hostel for “the poor” although the place could have been rented out as a hotel.
During the coronavirus lockdown, Zuppi read The Plague by Albert Camus (+1960), an atheist, womanizer, anarcho-communist, Marxist, and anti-Christian French author.
For Zuppi, the lockdown has “opened a spiritual dimension.
Picture: Matteo Zuppi, © Presidenza della Repubblica, CC BY-SA, #newsDebexasgbv
There was nothing smug nor insincere in frawley's question, Joseph a' Christian . There is plenty of both in the way you refuse to answer it.
Joseph a' Christian
@frawleyAnother smug insincere bark. Go ask False Francis if MaMa Earth will tell you.
@frawleyAnother smug insincere bark. Go ask False Francis if MaMa Earth will tell you.

Joseph A Christian , If I came across as smug or insincere it was not my intention and I am sorry. While I am often very distressed myself over the things that the Holy Father, Cardinals and Bishops say and do, I do not know what the answer is. Do we go without a Pope from now on? If we somehow go rid of the bad ones, who would determine which ones are bad enough or good enough? How would be select …More
Joseph A Christian , If I came across as smug or insincere it was not my intention and I am sorry. While I am often very distressed myself over the things that the Holy Father, Cardinals and Bishops say and do, I do not know what the answer is. Do we go without a Pope from now on? If we somehow go rid of the bad ones, who would determine which ones are bad enough or good enough? How would be select new ones and who would be qualified to do the selecting? Are bad leaders punishment from God for how far we collectively as a people have strayed? Is there a greater purpose in God letting things go this far? I wish I knew the answers to these questions
Joseph a' Christian
@frawley For starters, False Francis was the head of a pagan ritual on the Vatican grounds and within the Church building. Francis committed public apostasy, can an apostate be the pope?
Jesus Is King.
I get it, but my question is what is the path forward?
Joseph a' Christian
@frawley I’m sure you know the saying, you must identify the disease first in order to cure it. Therefore, is Francis the pope after his public acts of paganism?
I think must of us are aware of the disease and how much damage has been done to the Church over the past half century. My question is "does anyone propose a path forward?"
Joseph a' Christian
@frawley Path forward- you know the vast damage caused to the Church, yet you call an extremely destructive one Holy Father? Bishop Carlo Vigano stated very difficult truths, that is going forward.
When I used the term Holy Father I was not refering to any particular Pope but the office of the papacy. Sorry for not being clearer. I admire Bishop Vigano and all the evil he has uncovered but I still want to know does anyone have any plan or process beyond talking about it.
an example of what I mean is - to know that my car has a flat tire and let all my friends know is the first step, but to have the spare tire, tools and knowledge of how to change it is another.
Joseph a' Christian
@frawley Is Francis your pope, after his earth worship paganism at the Vatican?
I think you meant to ask me if Francis is "the Pope" . I don't think in the Catholic Church we have different Popes for different people. It seems that both you and I agree that Francis has said and done Many things that are contrary to the faith. It would be hard for anyone to disagree if they are being intellectually honest. But whether he is the Pope is not as clear. Was Peter not the first Pope …More
I think you meant to ask me if Francis is "the Pope" . I don't think in the Catholic Church we have different Popes for different people. It seems that both you and I agree that Francis has said and done Many things that are contrary to the faith. It would be hard for anyone to disagree if they are being intellectually honest. But whether he is the Pope is not as clear. Was Peter not the first Pope because he denied Christ three times. Are all the Popes throughout history that have violated the teaching of the Church through words or actions not valid Popes? Did Christ himself make a mistake in choosing Judas to be an apostle since he would betray him? I do not claim to know the answer to these questions. Why does God allow certain things to take place? Is there reason that we do not understand? If Francis sincerely repented tomorrow of all of the things he has said and done, would he then be the Pope? I do not know. My original question for those that feel that he and the popes since John the 23rd are not real Popes is how would a new one be selected since none of the elector Cardinals from a "real" Pope are still alive. Seems like a dead end to me. Are there even any legitimate Bishops anymore?
"how do we end up with a real pope?" To answer Frawley's question, for schismatic sedevacantists like Joseph a' Christian , a "real" pope is whomever he decides to follow for as long as he decides to, regardless of who appoints the man. The same is true for bishops and cardinals. The rest are all "false". He has no other standards, beyond his own selective following of Church teachings.
The middle …More
"how do we end up with a real pope?" To answer Frawley's question, for schismatic sedevacantists like Joseph a' Christian , a "real" pope is whomever he decides to follow for as long as he decides to, regardless of who appoints the man. The same is true for bishops and cardinals. The rest are all "false". He has no other standards, beyond his own selective following of Church teachings.

The middle-class were already "the new poor" long before coronavirus. We never qualify of the very 'assistance' increasingly taken from our wages to fund the free housing, free transportation, free medical care, free food, and free utilities for those gaming the system.
joseph a'christian Just a practical question. If the pope and many of the cardinals and bishops are demonic, how do we end up with a real pope? Who decides which clergy are legitimate and how do they select a new pope?
Joseph a' Christian
The false bishops are demonic, literally. Their clerical clothes are just costumes.
Jesus Our Holy Christ Asked, when I return, will I find faith?