
"The Only Expression of the Roman Rite": Eucharist on a Bumper Car Facility

Father Markus Thoms celebrated an August 21 Novus Ordo Eucharist on a bumper car facility at the funfair in Neuenkirchen, Münster diocese, Germany.

The Münsterländische Volkszeitung reported in its print edition (newspaper photos below) that the "altar" was a beer table. Numerous plastic chairs and 19 bumper cars served as seats.

The altar boys also sat on a bumper car. They thought "it was cool" and remarked: "Great atmosphere and comfortable seats in the bumper car, not like the wooden chairs in the church."

Thoms chose a bumper car as credence table for the chalice and host bowl. The Novus Ordo is, according to Francis' unintentionally humorous statement, "the only expression of the Roman Rite."


I so pity the poor youth who think this garbage is actually Catholic. They have no clue
De Profundis
Dietrich von Hildebrand: "We must pray that humanity, instead of hastening towards the precipice, returns to true values. But this is only possible if the vineyard of the Lord blossoms anew. And therefore we must storm heaven with the prayer that the spirit of a St. Pius X might "once again fill the hierarchy, that the great words 'anathema sit' might once again ring out against all heretics and …More
Dietrich von Hildebrand: "We must pray that humanity, instead of hastening towards the precipice, returns to true values. But this is only possible if the vineyard of the Lord blossoms anew. And therefore we must storm heaven with the prayer that the spirit of a St. Pius X might "once again fill the hierarchy, that the great words 'anathema sit' might once again ring out against all heretics and especially against all the members of the “fifth column” within the Church" ('The Devastated Vineyard, chapter 5).
Jeffrey Ade
The "fifth Column" seems to have won this round!
De Profundis
This is a story for @Gillibrand
Jeffrey Ade