F M Shyanguya

Sr. Lucia Writes About the Collegial Consecration

Sr. Lucia Writes About the Collegial Consecration (Post made after prompting by HEAVEN) CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH > THE MESSAGE OF FATIMAMore
Sr. Lucia Writes About the Collegial Consecration
(Post made after prompting by HEAVEN)
Being objective a consecration is specific. If you mixed all available wines , grape, rice, plumb .... and presented the mixture at the altar for consecration at Mass nothing would happen.
Dear Shyangua as my old PP (RIP) used to say “You get no points for getting it wrong” If Our Lady asks for Russia then Russia it must be.
F M Shyanguya
You speak for Our Lady?
Alex A
@Scapular.> It is not for you, or I, or anyone else, To determine whether the consecration carried out by Pope John Paul was acceptable to heaven or not, only Sister Lucia had that responsibility. Suggest you research, "FATIMA" in Lucia's own words. [Memoirs of Sr. Lucia] 14th edition, 2004 Translated by the Dominican Nuns of Perpetual Rosary.
Being objective a consecration is specific. If you mixed all available wines , grape, rice, plumb .... and presented the mixture at the altar for consecration at Mass nothing would happen.
My Dear Shyangua if the Consecration of RUSSIA was done in 1984 would you expect things to have got better? Souls are being lost because he who should speak doesn’t. The most concerning factor above all is that the Pope and the Church No longer proclaim the dogmas most of which are found in the Penny Catechism and souls are not taught that it is a mortal sin not to go to Mass every Sunday and …More
My Dear Shyangua if the Consecration of RUSSIA was done in 1984 would you expect things to have got better? Souls are being lost because he who should speak doesn’t. The most concerning factor above all is that the Pope and the Church No longer proclaim the dogmas most of which are found in the Penny Catechism and souls are not taught that it is a mortal sin not to go to Mass every Sunday and because of that souls will be lost and society will fall apart. Souls continue to be lost because the Church no longer teaches. The tragedy continues unabated. In Australia in 1966 1 out of 143 laity joined a consecrated life by 1917 1: 705 a decrease of 79%
F M Shyanguya
And Dear and (my) Good Morning @Scapular
Quite frankly, I have never known how to make of this (mis)leading approach i.e., ‘has this or this happened? No? Therefore ...’
It is insidious.
It is simply whether the Collegial Consecration was done and accepted.
I have presented the documents that HEAVEN prompted me to present. The same HEAVEN could have sent me as a visionary, which means, they …More
And Dear and (my) Good Morning @Scapular

Quite frankly, I have never known how to make of this (mis)leading approach i.e., ‘has this or this happened? No? Therefore ...’

It is insidious.

It is simply whether the Collegial Consecration was done and accepted.

I have presented the documents that HEAVEN prompted me to present. The same HEAVEN could have sent me as a visionary, which means, they thought this as sufficient to answer the objections.

As to my opinion, to me, the context of Our Lady’s Motherly solicitude appears to have been the suffering of her children on earth and in eternity brought upon themselves by their sins. The temporal punishment via the horrors of World Wars.

Combining this with the three World Wars the enemy had planned to use to usher in the Luciferian era, Our Lady thwarted their final War that could have used atheistic Communism. We really have to be grateful to our most merciful mother and the Great and Saintly Pontiff who finally carried out her wish because history tells what what could have befallen the world under communism.

We also have to be grateful that she bought the World some time, the period of peace given the World being from the collapse of the Soviet Union and Russia ceasing to be communist, to circa the beginning of Pope Francis’ pontificate. It is clear we are in the Book of Revelation time. Many will have no excuse.
F M Shananguya if Heaven is using you to promote messages you should present yourself to your Bishop for guidance. This reminds me of the old story where a lady went up to Bishop Fulton Sheen in New York during the second World War and said the Blessed Mother appeared to her and stated that Bishop Sheen should go to Germany to meet with Hitler. Bishop Sheen said "Our Lady appeared to me after she …More
F M Shananguya if Heaven is using you to promote messages you should present yourself to your Bishop for guidance. This reminds me of the old story where a lady went up to Bishop Fulton Sheen in New York during the second World War and said the Blessed Mother appeared to her and stated that Bishop Sheen should go to Germany to meet with Hitler. Bishop Sheen said "Our Lady appeared to me after she appeared to you and said - 'tell that woman I changed my mind'"
F M Shyanguya
@SHJ-IHM In General, did so to my parish priest when the messages first started way back in 2012.
Most of my messages in my blogs addressed to Hierarchy and Leaders and Laity. And have been sent to them when it was called for.
In this case, there is nothing extraordinary here or new, but pointing to already existing material that the objectors would mention were they balanced and fair.
Your response …More
@SHJ-IHM In General, did so to my parish priest when the messages first started way back in 2012.

Most of my messages in my blogs addressed to Hierarchy and Leaders and Laity. And have been sent to them when it was called for.

In this case, there is nothing extraordinary here or new, but pointing to already existing material that the objectors would mention were they balanced and fair.

Your response now makes it clear why HEAVEN chose this way. We would be arguing about the validity of the revelations and whether Church approved.

And again, it was a prompting.
celia ann
From the blue book. Fr Gobbi. MMP. Message 287. St. J.P 2 made the consecration but the invitation was not welcomed by all the bishops in 1984. Therefore Our Lady says that the consecration will be made when bloody events are on their way to actuality.The consecration made by St J.P.2 was accepted by Our Lady with love and gratitude and will shorten the hours of purification.
F M Shyanguya
Believe anyone else but the visionary herself and the Pope who made the consecration.
And HEAVEN contradicts itself? Just amended my article by adding it was made by the prompting of HEAVEN. In my case, pointed to already existing documents from people intimately connected with the matter.
EWTN used to have this online (links to it now return 404):
Pope John Paul II and the Collegial …More
Believe anyone else but the visionary herself and the Pope who made the consecration.

And HEAVEN contradicts itself? Just amended my article by adding it was made by the prompting of HEAVEN. In my case, pointed to already existing documents from people intimately connected with the matter.


EWTN used to have this online (links to it now return 404):

Pope John Paul II and the Collegial Consecration of 1984

There is this paragraph:

“On balance then the most important authorities, including the Pope, the local bishop, prominent theologians, and finally Sr. Lucia herself, hold the view that the 1984 act of consecration of Russia was properly carried out. Perhaps it is not surprising that there is such controversy over this point, given the difficulties the various popes have encountered in attempting to make the collegial consecration.”


The earth is now under a suffocating evil despotism and events [like the period when there was no public Mass even at the Vatican] that point to the fact that we are in the Book of Revelation time. As in the days of Noah, people will be overtaken by these events.
It has not been done, and the Vatican has suppressed the messages and the requests of Our Lady. We are beginning to reap the bitter, bitter fruit of their infidelity.
F M Shyanguya
@Child of Our Lady To you and those hell bent on causing confusion among the faithful and agitating them.
@F M Shyanguya No, it's just a fact that the consecration hasn't happened. Sorry if this ruins your day.
Alex A
Nobody's day will be ruined Jmy1975 simply because of a differance of opinion. You happen to be wrong I happen to be right, so what? Big deal! It is not a dogmatic requirement of belief for any Marian apparition. 'Worthy of belief' is the phrase the Church uses.
Confusion among the faithful? What could be more confusing than claiming the consecration of the "world" equals the consecration of "Russia"? What happened to Lucia's additional requirement that all the Bishops of the world join in the consecration (of Russia) publicly in their cathedrals? Regarding the letter posted here I don't know if it's a high level fraud, which I think it is, or Lucia got …More
Confusion among the faithful? What could be more confusing than claiming the consecration of the "world" equals the consecration of "Russia"? What happened to Lucia's additional requirement that all the Bishops of the world join in the consecration (of Russia) publicly in their cathedrals? Regarding the letter posted here I don't know if it's a high level fraud, which I think it is, or Lucia got tired of the conga line of consecrations and finally threw in the towel and said "yeah, ok, ok that was accepted".
Child of Our Lady
It's pretty obvious the Consecration of Russia has not been done as the Queen of Heaven had requested over 100 years ago since there is no world peace.
Alex A
@Child of Our Lady> You are wrong if we accept Sr. Lucia's own words. Quote: "Yes, it was done as Our Lady requested, since 25 March 1984. [letter to the Holy Father] Therefore, any discussion and further petition has no foundation." Fatima in Lucia's own words [Sister Lucia's memoirs]- my emphasis.
Child of Our Lady I agree - with one correction. The formal request was made by Our Lady at Tuy on June 13, 1929 so the 100 years isn't over yet. As we get closer to the 100 year anniversary things will get pretty frothy in the world, I'm afraid. We know the consecration will be made but with the hierarchy in place now it will take some monumental calamities to get them to respond.