Bishop Schneider: Future popes will thank Bishop Strickland for his fidelity to the Catholic faith

'Dear Bishop Strickland, thank you, that you are resolved 'to serve the Lord, and not the time,' Bishop Schneider wrote in a newly released personal letter to Bishop Strickland. Your Excellency, Bishop …More
'Dear Bishop Strickland, thank you, that you are resolved 'to serve the Lord, and not the time,' Bishop Schneider wrote in a newly released personal letter to Bishop Strickland.
Your Excellency, Bishop Strickland, dear and esteemed brother in the episcopate!
It is for me a privilege and a joy to express to you all my gratitude and appreciation for your intrepid dedication to uncompromisingly keep, transmit, and defend the Catholic faith, which the apostles handed over to the Church and with which all the generations of Catholics, especially our ancestors, our fathers and mothers, our priests and religious sisters-catechists, were themselves nurtured. In all truth we can apply to you, dear Bishop Strickland, what St. Basil once stated in his time: “The one charge which is now sure to secure severe punishment is the careful keeping of the traditions of the Fathers.” (Ep. 243)

Let me share with you the following highly timely words of the same great and saint bishop:
The doctrines of true …More
Meg kell adni, Assisiben kezdődött az egész ... közös imádkozással még a boszorkányokkal is :(
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Neeem! A Nostra Aetate-val!
1960s this current crisis was hatched when PaulVI removed the oath against modernism.SSPX never drank the kool aid of Vatican II its time for Archbishop Lefebvre be called a saint instead of those modernist imposters Like JPII🤔
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