
A Book Exposes the Whole Extent of Francis' Homosexual Activism

José Antonio Ureta and Julio Loredo, the authors of the 2023 bestseller "The Synodal Process: A Pandora's Box", have published a new book on 27 May: "The Breached Dam: The 'Fiducia Supplicans' Surrender to the Homosexual Movement".

The book will be sent to the Cardinals and Bishops who, apart from not being used to reading books, will have little interest in it. It's a documentation of the advance of the homosexual lobby within the Church, culminating in Francis' homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia Supplicans', which gives the green light to the [pseudo] blessing of homosexual sins.

"The Breached Dam" shows a tug-of-war between the Vatican and the powerful homosexual lobby, which has been trying since the 1970s to force the Church to "change" the unchangeable truth about homosexual sin ("intrinsically disordered" and "depraved").

Loredo and Ureta show the insistence and blackmail used by the powerful homosexual lobby to coerce bishops, for example by threatening to reveal their sexual orientation.

The most emblematic case in the book is that of Cardinal Basil Hume (+1999), then Archbishop of Westminster, who wrote in a letter that homosexual sin could be "a form of love" (sic) and that one should not "generalise" by attributing subjective guilt to homosexual acts.

The cardinals mentioned in the book for their homosexual activism are Jean-Claude Hollerich, 65, (Luxembourg), Christoph Schönborn, 79, (Vienna), Theodore McCarrick, 93, (Washington), Godfried Daneels +2019, (Brussels), Hans Hermann Groër +2003, (Vienna), Cardinal Keith O'Brien +2018, (Edinburgh), Vincent Nichols, 78, (Westminster), Robert McElroy, 70, (San Diego), Reinhard Marx, 70, (Munich), Jozef De Kesel, 76, (Brussels), Tucho Fernández, 61, (Vatican). Several of them were or are also personally involved in homosexual sin.

These homosexual activists and many other bishops and theologians have created "cracks" in the Catholic dam, Loredo and Ureta write, while Francis was the one who broke through the dam.

The book compiles a list of Francis' shames, but it doesn't include his appointment of homosexual activists as bishops and cardinals, or his protection of homosexual clergy:

- In 2013, Francis uttered his famous "Who am I to judge?" about a homosexual priest.

- Francis' enthusiastic encounters with unrepentant homosexuals and transvestites, such as Francis' former student Yayo Grassi, whom he welcomed in 2015 with his male concubine Iwan Bagus.

- In January 2015, Francis received Neria Lejárraga, a Spanish woman from Placencia who disguises herself as a man; a year later he recounted this meeting, always speaking about the woman in the masculine (sic).

- Reception at the Apostolic Palace for Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, accompanied by his male concubine, the architect Gauthier Destenay,

- Special treatment for homosexual propagandists who receive VIP tickets for the Wednesday audiences, while simple pilgrims had to stay in the back.

- Meeting with condemned homosexual activist Jeannine Gramick who also received from Francis enthusiastic letters.

- Francis regularly met male prostitutes who disguise themselves as women, and even gave them money from the Holy See's almshouse.

- In August 2015, the mayor of Venice, Italy, banned Piccolo uovo (Little Egg), a children's book written by lesbian propagandist Francesca Pardi about "homosexual animals". Pardi complained to Francis, who replied that he "looks forward to an increasingly fruitful activity at the service of younger generations and the spread of authentic human and Christian values" by Pardi.

- Francis' glowing tributes and letters to homosexual activist James Martin, including his appointment as a consultant to the Secretariat for Communications (sic).

- Francis' invitation to the notorious homosexual activist Timothy Radcliffe, former Master General of the Dominicans, to preach a retreat to the plenary assembly of ex-synod participants in 2023.

- At Lisbon 2023, Francis asked to include "everyone, everyone, everyone" [except Catholics and decent people], regardless of their status as public, unrepentant sinners.

- Francis minimised the huge opposition to 'Fiducia supplicans' by claiming that 'those who protest vehemently belong to small ideological groups' and that homosexual sin is allegedly only 'culturally' condemned.


The Saint Galen Mafia who plotted and executed the wicked changes to the Church and the Liturgy.
Daily rosary,first Saturdays of reparation and the wearing of the brown scapular. The solution to these problems is very simple if only it would be done.
That list of sodomy supporting Cardinals should also include Cardinals Maradiaga, Pierre, Tobin, Cupich, Gregory, Dolan, Farrell and several others who were omitted.