US Bishops Complain about Autocratic Behaviour of Roman Curia

On 28th May the US bishops published a twenty-page report that was sent to the Ex-Synod.

The text is a summary of allegedly more than 35,000 participants and over 1,000 listening sessions, with 76% of US dioceses submitting reports. It speaks of "division within the universal Church" and "conflicting messages of what it means to be Catholic".

The first example of "tension" and "stress" is the liturgy: "What emerged in several reports is that, in addition to the discussion about liturgical preferences, the celebration of the Latin Mass seems to be a focal point of broader debates about tradition, modernity and the best ways to nurture the faith". Liturgy is not a question of preferences but of the perfect way to worship God.

Another issue is how to deal with unrepentant homosexuals, as "many expressed" that they know people who struggle to be "accepted" by the Church because they practice homosexual or natural fornication or live in adultery. The place where the Church is happy to "accept" such sinners is the confessional, on condition that the persons concerned are willing to repent.

Another interesting point is that several bishops noted that "direct contact with Rome is not very frequent", rejecting the propaganda claim that the Roman Curia has become "much more accessible" to bishops since Francis.

The bishops did express frustration that communication between the bishops and the offices of the Holy See could be better, "giving the example that in the past they used to be informed in advance of a document that would later be published by one or other of the dicasteries. This does not seem to happen as often as it used to".


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