As the Portuguese version does not publish such things (only the weather...) i will try it here: The %-deViations of Brazil regions&provinces from national average in presidential elections. In this …More
As the Portuguese version does not publish such things (only the weather...) i will try it here: The %-deViations of Brazil regions&provinces from national average in presidential elections.
In this version the party-% are measured at all eligible votes.
As can be seen, Lula was initially not at all "the fighter of the poor", as the left"Catholics" have liked to proclaim, instead he was the man of the leftliberal upper middleClasses in the South. Only when being in power and distributing the public funds he surged in the poor NorthEast. Tomorrow he will surely go back to his roots, what means, that his voters will be fairly antiClerical and expect something to get in reTurn (and indeed he has made already promises concerning abOrtion, homo"marriage" aso.).
At least you could spell portuguese correct
At least You could detect something else...
...and it was the german autoCorrector here, by the way.