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Slovakia Trip - Highlights Latin. Yesterday, Francis concluded his three-day visit to Slovakia. One highlight was the Byzantine Divine Liturgy for the Exaltation of the Cross. While the papal Novus …More
Slovakia Trip - Highlights

Latin. Yesterday, Francis concluded his three-day visit to Slovakia. One highlight was the Byzantine Divine Liturgy for the Exaltation of the Cross. While the papal Novus Ordo liturgies are rigidly presided over in vulgar language, Francis, at the Byzantine liturgy, suddenly prayed in Latin. The Byzantines triumphed with exquisite vestments and beautiful liturgical vessels. Communion was administered with 25,000 spoons.

Francis polemicises against "old traditions"

Polemics. At yesterday's Novus Ordo Eucharist at Slovakia's Šaštín Marian shrine, Francis used Our Lady to attack Catholics. He described Mary – in an abstract way - as a constant pilgrimage in search of God. Quote: "On this journey, one overcomes the temptation of a passive faith, content with this or that ritual or ancient tradition.” However, Francis himself attempted only recently to reduce the Church's liturgy to the Novus Ordo. Communion was distributed on the hands like biscuits. The cross of the altar stage was flanked by the strange image of an unclothed yellow man whose meaning remained mysterious.

Francis: Abortion is murder

Abortion. At the press conference on the plane back to Rome, Francis said that abortion is "murder". The embryo, he said, is a human life even from a scientific point of view and there is no compromise formulation. Whoever performs an abortion is killing. Afterwards, Francis made compromises regarding giving communion to pro-abortion politicians who cannot receive communion, Francis said, because they were outside the ecclesial community. At the same time, he insisted, that priests should be pastoral and should not condemn etc. For Francis, God's style is closeness, tenderness, and compassion etc. He warned against clerics who politicise by refusing communion, as if giving communion to pro-abortion politicians was not politicisation. He said he hand personally never refused communion. Beyond Francis' words, a mortal sinner who receives Communion commits another mortal sin by doing so.

Francis only kneels in front of homosexuals, politicians and convicts.

Kneelers. After landing in Rome, Francis visited as usual the Marian icon Salus Populi Romani in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. CatholicNewsService published a photo showing Francis sitting in front of the icon, while a kneeler - unused as always - was placed in front of him.
He warned against clerics who politicise by refusing communion, as if giving communion to pro-abortion politicians was not politicisation: RIGHT ON!
Ironic since the Byzantine liturgy is normally NOT prayed in Latin, but Church Slavonic!
Slavonic is seldom used anymore, as those of us who worship in the Byzantine Rite can attest, particularly here in the U.S.
I watched the video taken of the liturgy in Presov. The majority of it was prayed in Slovak, not Slavonic, but there was some Slavonic a couple of times.
The pope obviously doesn't speak either one of those languages, so the few times that the pope actually spoke (besides the …More
Slavonic is seldom used anymore, as those of us who worship in the Byzantine Rite can attest, particularly here in the U.S.

I watched the video taken of the liturgy in Presov. The majority of it was prayed in Slovak, not Slavonic, but there was some Slavonic a couple of times.

The pope obviously doesn't speak either one of those languages, so the few times that the pope actually spoke (besides the sermon), it makes sense that he would use Latin. His part in the liturgy was minimal, as would normally be the case.

In addition, it is more than obvious that a huge portion of the people in attendance were Roman Rite, not GC. It's easy to spot the Roman Rite Catholics in the video immediately, particularly at the Gospel, the Anaphora, during Holy Communion, and at the final blessing. It looked to me like they may have been the majority of the crowd.
atreverse pensar
"He described Mary – in an abstract way - as a constant pilgrimage in search of God. "
Our Lady is full of grace.
And that is why she visits her cousin Elizabeth, for example.
She does not go on pilgrimage, she is always full of grace, the Lord is with her.
This man insults Our Lady very often.