Urge Cardinal Dolan to do exorcism and reparation after sacrilegious trans funeral in St. Patrick's Cathedral | LifePetitions

Urge Cardinal Dolan to do exorcism and reparation after sacrilegious trans funeral in St. Patrick's …

desecration of the cathedral, and do an exorcism to rid the church of any remaining evil spirits.
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Urge Cardinal Dolan to do exorcism and reparation after sacrilegious trans funeral in St. Patrick's Cathedral | LifePetitions
Hound of Heaven
It was clearly an ill-considered thing to do as it was done. Given what many of our parishes have been enticed to do during this particular pontificate, a regular exorcism for all churches might be spiritual prudent and revitalizing. Condemn the sin, pray for the sinner would have been a much better path than the circus which was permitted to unfold.