Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of January 2017 Populism: In an interview with the anti-Church Spanish newspaper El Pais, Pope Francis has warned against Hitler-like leaders coming to power on the wave of …More
Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of January 2017
Populism: In an interview with the anti-Church Spanish newspaper El Pais, Pope Francis has warned against Hitler-like leaders coming to power on the wave of so called populism. Quote: “In my opinion, the most common example of European populism is Germany in 1933.” Pope Francis is regularly accused of populism himself.
Depleted Allies: Sandro Magister has noticed that the only continent on which the numbers of Catholics has grown is black Africa. But black Africa is also the most rugged opponent against the changes Francis has set in motion.” The pope who claims to renew the Church has – quote - “to rely on the worn out and depleted national Churches of the Old Continent, in primis that of Germany, in order to put his plans into practice, coming up against the tenacious resistance of the young and fervent African Churches.”
Suspended for Being Catholic: Last Monday, radical Bishop Rigoberto Corredor of Pereira, Colombia, suspended Fr Luis Alberto …More
Why George soros and Pope Francis speak the same language, socialist style?
Populisme :François semble ignorer qui a financé Adolphe Jacob et les Soviets.... son modèle de référence pour les migrants est le modèle suédois, son modèle c'est le socialisme.
Catholic Europe is being raped and pillaged by muslim hordes, and this fraud is worried about decent people duly electing their leaders.
Speaking of duly elected, you weren't Bergoglio.
Holy Cannoli