
Will Fear Prevail? Francis’ Possible Nominations

Andrea Gagliarducci called Francis’ Curia reform on MondayVatican.com (June 6) a “shock” and the “largest reshuffles” of the Curia since times immemorial.

• Cardinal Tagle may replace Cardinal Ouellet, 77, at the Congregation for Bishops.

• Archbishops Rino Fisichella and Giampietro Dal Toso (secretary of Propaganda Fidei) may head the Dicastery for Evangelisation.

• Cardinal Tolentino may get the Dicastery for Education and keep the Library of the Holy Roman Church.

• Siena Cardinal Paolo Lojudice may replace Cardinal de Donatis as Cardinal vicar of Rome.

• De Donatis may replace Cardinal Piacenza, 77, as the Major Penitentiary.

• Malta Archbishop Scicluna or Cardinal Tagle may get the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

• Cardinal Sandri (Oriental Churches), 78, may be replaced by Cardinal Mamberti (Apostolic Signatura).

• Archbishop Iannone (Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts) may get the Signatura.

• Bishop Marco Mellino (Secretary of the Council of Cardinals) may go to the Council for Legislative Texts.

Gagliarducci’s question, “What will the climate in the Church be like after this upheaval, if it will take place? Will fear prevail? And will this fear remain for the conclave to come?”

Picture: José Tolentino Mendoça © Vatican Media, #newsBreqnkvacs

Wut? No masks? Is this a pre-Covid file photo? ;-)
atreverse pensar
God will drive them out of the Temple like the Pharisees.
But they have to be shown how perfidious they are.
De Traditionele Rooms Katholieken zullen nu snel in het geheim, voor het conclaaf, een nieuwe Traditionele Tridentijnse Katholieke kerk moeten ontwikkelen, tijdens het conclaaf kunnen de Traditionele Rooms Katholieken dan een schisma forceren.