Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of February 2016 Populists: Ross Douthat is fascinated by the similarities between Pope Francis and Trump. According to him both cultivate their status as outsiders bent on …More
Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of February 2016
Populists: Ross Douthat is fascinated by the similarities between Pope Francis and Trump. According to him both cultivate their status as outsiders bent on shaking up their establishments and both have a fondness for name-calling. Quote: “They have become leading populists in our increasingly populist moment.”
Pro-Homosex Trump: The non-partisan group Americans For Truth About Homosexuality writes that Donald Trump holds immoral positions on abortion, homosexuality, and national health insurance. He has not committed to signing the “First Amendment Defense Act” in his first 100 days as President. And he opines that due to the Supreme Court’s ruling, the issue on homosex pseudo-marriage is over. In 2000 he said to the homosex propaganda magazine The Advocate, quote: “I like the idea of amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include a ban of discrimination based on sexual orientation.”
Republican Homosexualism: Same problem with Marco Rubio, …More
@Raymond S. Manlapas I've only known Gloria.tv to present news that can be quite challenging to hear, yet faithfully and courageously the truth and not doubtful.
There is plenty that Trump has said first-hand. I don't think any other sources are required.
For those looking for someone to fight for traditional marriage, they might look to someone, anyone, other than one who has been married multiple …More
@Raymond S. Manlapas I've only known Gloria.tv to present news that can be quite challenging to hear, yet faithfully and courageously the truth and not doubtful.

There is plenty that Trump has said first-hand. I don't think any other sources are required.

For those looking for someone to fight for traditional marriage, they might look to someone, anyone, other than one who has been married multiple times, had an affair while married, made sexual references about his own daughter, profits from casinos with strip clubs and stated that so-called "same-sex marriage" is the law of the land and we have to live with it. What has he said is his stand on "traditional" marriage or how he will fight for it?

Regarding abortion, I don't know that he has said anything about, "abolishing abortion." He has praised Planned Parenthood in the same breath he says they shouldn't be funded to perform abortions (and not saying any plan to halt it). He has said he is not in favor of partial-birth abortion after saying he was in favor of it. Those in the fight for life know full well that his (brilliant) stand playing right down the middle brings in a lot of, "I hope so" voters expecting he's on their side.

Meanwhile, by the admission of the likes of late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart, his practice will not skip a (heart)beat because he can "get around" the woman's reason that we know from Dr. Levatino can be physical, psychological, economic or social, i.e. literally anything.

My fear is that he will succeed because he plays to our base instincts just like Obama did. Obama promised lots of free stuff and Trump is going to make us, "winners" and his supposed success is going to magically appear in our wallets. Meanwhile, serious, intelligent, hard working, knowledgeable, thoughtful candidates are not considered.

In the end, God help us, the people decide and are responsible for who will the the next U.S. President.
Raymond S. Manlapas
Wrong Trump News: Trump is endorsed by Evangelicals because of his stand on Man-Woman Traditional marriage and he will abolish abortion. Your source of the news is a doubtful source. Gloria Tv News need to validate your content with the speeches of the candidates and not rely on second or even third hand sources that do have leanings as the mainstream media. PLEASE CORRECT YOUR NEWS.
Uncle Joe
Donald Trump holds immoral positions on abortion, homosexuality, and national health insurance.
Dear Americans For Truth, Spare us the hyperbole. Regarding National health insurance, there is nothing immoral about repeal of the health care mandate which says you must buy insurance. A true capitalist, a true conservative, a true liberty-minded-we-have-the right to pursue happiness would never …More
Donald Trump holds immoral positions on abortion, homosexuality, and national health insurance.
Dear Americans For Truth, Spare us the hyperbole. Regarding National health insurance, there is nothing immoral about repeal of the health care mandate which says you must buy insurance. A true capitalist, a true conservative, a true liberty-minded-we-have-the right to pursue happiness would never force someone to buy anything the way Obamacare does. We live in a capitalistic country founded on liberty and the individual pursuit of happiness not on an unconstitutional mandate approved by the dim-witted Supremes. 🧐
This is not the same thing as making sure people have access to health care. There is currently Medicaid or simply allowing anyone to walk into the local emergency department and receive Medical care. That's the way it is in the U.S. without Barrack Hussein's attempt to co-opt the health care system. Hopefully the mess will be repealed and replaced once Trump is in office. 👍
Regarding abortion and homosexuality…nobody said Trump is a traditional minded Catholic or even a Catholic not that that guarantees that every Catholic opposes abortion and homosexuality. They don't and there are even clerics (including bishops) who are pro-homo. 🤬
Ana Luisa M.R
Prayer for Pope Francis---Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to Your shepherd, the Pope, a spirit of courage and right judgement, a spirit of knowledge and love.
By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care may he, as successor to the apostle Peter and vicar of Christ, build Your church into a sacrament of unity, love, and peace for all the world.
We ask this through our Lord …More
Prayer for Pope Francis---Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to Your shepherd, the Pope, a spirit of courage and right judgement, a spirit of knowledge and love.
By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care may he, as successor to the apostle Peter and vicar of Christ, build Your church into a sacrament of unity, love, and peace for all the world.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Fiel A Cristo
Los populistas: Ross Douthat está fascinado por las similitudes entre Francisco y Trump. Según él, tanto cultivan su condición de foráneos empeñados en sacudir sus establecimientos, como ambos tienen una afición por los insultos. Cita: "Se han convertido en líderes populistas en nuestro momento cada vez más populista."
Pro-homosex Trump: El grupo no …More

Los populistas: Ross Douthat está fascinado por las similitudes entre Francisco y Trump. Según él, tanto cultivan su condición de foráneos empeñados en sacudir sus establecimientos, como ambos tienen una afición por los insultos. Cita: "Se han convertido en líderes populistas en nuestro momento cada vez más populista."

Pro-homosex Trump: El grupo no partidista estadounidenses para la verdad sobre la homosexualidad, escribe que Donald Trump mantiene posiciones inmorales sobre el aborto, la homosexualidad, y el seguro nacional de salud. Él no se ha comprometido a la firma de la "Ley de Defensa de la Primera Enmienda" en sus primeros 100 días como presidente. Y opina que, debido a la decisión del Tribunal Supremo, la cuestión sobre la homosex pseudo-matrimonio ha terminado. En el año 2000, dijo a la revista The Advocate homosex propaganda, cita: ". Me gusta la idea de modificar la Ley de derechos civiles de 1964 para incluir la prohibición de la discriminación basada en la orientación sexual"

Homosexualismo Republicano: El mismo problema con Marco Rubio, otro candidato republicano para las elecciones de noviembre. Su ayudante de campaña de Rich Beeson firmó un contrato para un amicus para el caso Obergefell Tribunal Supremo el apoyo a la legalización de homosex pseudo-matrimonio. Americanos para la verdad sobre la homosexualidad comentaron: "Dios no hace una provisión especial para homosexualismo republicano en comparación con la variedad Democrática".

El Instituto Lepanto sugiere a los católicos de Estados Unidos abstenerse de apoyar la recogida Plato de Arroz de Catholic Relief Services a los obispos de Estados Unidos '. En su lugar, los católicos deberían dejar una nota en la caja que diga: "Este año, voy a dar el dinero que habría dado a Catholic Relief Services, a otra organización que no financie a grupos que empujan a el aborto, la esterilización y la anticoncepción".