Live Mike
Fr. Paul Kramer doesn't mince words in his latest post. Fasten your safety-belt... Passengers should place their feet and knees together with their feet firmly on the floor... Brace for impact !

Fr. Paul Kramer: “An act PRESIDED OVER BY AN ANTIPOPE will be NULL & VOID, even if the true pope …

Fr. Kramer knows a thing or two about Fatima, and antipopes.
Angelo Santelli
Memorandum for Next Conclave Calls Francis Pontificate a ‘Catastrophe’
Memorandum for Next Conclave Calls Francis Pontificate a ‘Catastrophe’
And then this msg board has that jackboot poster ultraviolet opining that individuals who do no accept fatso Bergoglio as Pope are sedevacantists.
I', as a Priest, would still like to know who pays the poster ultraviolet to smear his filth here. Might it …More
Memorandum for Next Conclave Calls Francis Pontificate a ‘Catastrophe’

Memorandum for Next Conclave Calls Francis Pontificate a ‘Catastrophe’

And then this msg board has that jackboot poster ultraviolet opining that individuals who do no accept fatso Bergoglio as Pope are sedevacantists.

I', as a Priest, would still like to know who pays the poster ultraviolet to smear his filth here. Might it be some pedophile cleric?
J G Tasan
Good arguments, folks! I love to read them all.
By the way, have a blessed 'St. Joseph's Feast Day' to all!
St. Joseph - Terror of demons!
Pray for us! Intercede for us!
Defend us!; and protect us always!
Good arguments, folks! I love to read them all.

By the way, have a blessed 'St. Joseph's Feast Day' to all!

St. Joseph - Terror of demons!
Pray for us! Intercede for us!
Defend us!; and protect us always!

Ave Crux
@Live Mike Judging from your posts and comments, and your obvious love and zeal for the Catholic Faith, I think you are a wonderful and devout person.
However, regarding this post, we need to think as knowledgeable Catholics with a supernatural gaze.
I understand all the concerns about Pope Francis, and I certainly agree that he has not been a "model" Pope, has caused considerable confusion and …More
@Live Mike Judging from your posts and comments, and your obvious love and zeal for the Catholic Faith, I think you are a wonderful and devout person.

However, regarding this post, we need to think as knowledgeable Catholics with a supernatural gaze.

I understand all the concerns about Pope Francis, and I certainly agree that he has not been a "model" Pope, has caused considerable confusion and his election took place under some dubious circumstances. Many even say that all of this would qualify him to be referred to as an "AntiPope" -- at least in casual conversation.

All that being said, God is in charge of His Church, and He expects us to take as a given that the Pope is the Pope and wields full authority of that Office until and unless a juridically constituted body within the Church performs an adequate inquiry, issues a declaration and request for any "Antipope" to repudiate his errors, and -- barring that -- declares the See of Peter now vacant.

Any duly informed Catholic should understand how absolutely essential such a properly juridical process is for the good of the Church and Her perservation.

This does not mean we are bound by any unjust decrees or prohibitions made while a Pope exercises that Office. No one is bound to obey unjust, abusive decrees -- either secular or ecclesiastical -- for which the Office does not possess such authority...especially those inimical to preservation of the Catholic Faith.

It must be repeated that any Pope can go completely off the rails since he is only infallible when making Ex Cathedra Declarations on matters of Faith and Morals to the Universal Church.

But even should a Pope become completely derelict, he may justly exercise his authority and the Universal Church may presume such acts to be valid and binding. God Himself will honor those acts unless the Church Herself has declared the Holy See to be vacant. That's because our God is trustworthy and "will not leave [us] orphans."

It's the same with faculties needed for Confession....

If a person were to unknowingly go to Confession to a Priest who does not have faculties, it does not mean the person isn't absolved. No....God honors this Confession and Holy Mother Church supplies the absent jurisdiction.

We can certainly trust that God and the Church would do the same in this instance. God bless.
Live Mike
@Ave Crux Thank you... May God bless you and Our Lady protect you always
Ave Crux
@Just me Actually, you have touched upon the precise point. The office of the Papacy is one of great dignity in the eyes of God and Our Lady. Even David would not lay hands upon the "anointed King" saying he was chosen by God and even though he was trying to kill David.
And so, we continue to honor the Office until and unless a juridical body within the Church takes the necessary and comprehensive …More
@Just me Actually, you have touched upon the precise point. The office of the Papacy is one of great dignity in the eyes of God and Our Lady. Even David would not lay hands upon the "anointed King" saying he was chosen by God and even though he was trying to kill David.

And so, we continue to honor the Office until and unless a juridical body within the Church takes the necessary and comprehensive action to determine that the See of Peter has been vacated. Until then, it is just and right to assume it has not been, and God will honor that.

We have neither the grace of state from God, nor the competency to make the determination that the See of Peter is vacant ourselves, much less act upon it. We can certainly have private opinions; but God does not govern His Church based on private opinion...but on duly enacted juridical authority.

Again, that does not give any Pope the authority to issues decrees, or take actions which damage the Faith or prevent it's dissemination and preservation. In such matters, filial dissent is incumbent upon us; and even rightful criticisms of heterodox teachings, since no Pope is infallible unless while making an Ex Cathedra statement.

The Office only binds in what serves the common good, the welfare of souls and the preservation of the Faith for future generations in conformity with the Magisterium and Deposit of Faith.

Error aside, all judicious and juridically exercised acts of the Papacy ought to be considered as valid and binding before God.
Ave Crux
@The New Knights Templar Yes, we live in treacherous times. But we can be assured that God knows our limited intelligence, the confusion of the times in which we live, and He expects us at all costs to adhere to the Magisterium and the Deposit of Faith and all that has been passed down to this way we can never be deceived.
God will also hold us absolutely blameless for rightly and humbly …More
@The New Knights Templar Yes, we live in treacherous times. But we can be assured that God knows our limited intelligence, the confusion of the times in which we live, and He expects us at all costs to adhere to the Magisterium and the Deposit of Faith and all that has been passed down to this way we can never be deceived.

God will also hold us absolutely blameless for rightly and humbly admitting we don't have the authority nor the competency to declare whether a Pope is an anti-Pope, nor a "Church" as simply an imposture of the true Church.

In times as these, I feel complete calm because I know what the Deposit of Faith contains, and the Magisterium -- having ample resources for these -- and it is to these along with Tradition that I cling while the storm rages around us.

And until God Himself somehow makes clear what the whole truth is, He expects us to shelter in place and trust Him to guide us in the events which over which He has completely sovereign control and omnipotence.
One more comment from Ave Crux
Ave Crux
@Just me Our Lord said to Saint Peter: "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I shall build My Church."
He didn't say: "Thou Peter, are My Church."
A Pope's mandate is to maintain the stable, unchanging foundation upon which the Church was founded, i.e. Her entire Deposit of Faith, which is Her unbroken teaching, Her Traditions and discipline over hundreds of years.
No Pope can suddenly introduce …More
@Just me Our Lord said to Saint Peter: "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I shall build My Church."

He didn't say: "Thou Peter, are My Church."

A Pope's mandate is to maintain the stable, unchanging foundation upon which the Church was founded, i.e. Her entire Deposit of Faith, which is Her unbroken teaching, Her Traditions and discipline over hundreds of years.

No Pope can suddenly introduce novelties which upend thousands of years of continual doctrinal teaching and praxis, and any acts or pronouncements which do so are non-binding as his authority is not absolute.

For example, here is a quote from Pope Benedict regarding the destruction of the liturgy in the name of Vatican II, vindicating Traditionalists as having always been correct that this destruction was without any legitimate basis in Church authority, constituted a rupture with the Church's own bi-millennial identity, and that we rightly resisted for these very reasons:

“…The rehabilitation of the Ancient (Latin) Mass must absolutely not be understood as a concession to the Society of St. Pius X, but as a way for the whole Church to be one with herself inwardly, with her own past; that what was previously holy to her (Latin Mass) is not somehow wrong now…” Last Testament: In His Own Words by Pope Benedict XVI

Essentially, one may disregard (or correct when it comes up in discussion) Pope Francis's problematic statements, actions or directives which are harmful to the Faith and/or which contradict what we have received from the Church in Tradition.

Yet, Pope Francis is presently in possession of the Office unless the Church declares otherwise; so whether he performs this Consecration, gives faculties to the SSPX, protects FSSP, etc., all of these are good acts which further the interests of the Catholic Faith and the good of souls -- acts whose authority resides with the Papacy and may be justly exercised.

On the other hand, God doesn't lay upon us the responsibility to declare whether he is an "anti-Pope" because of other, problematic acts and statements if the Church Herself has not declared such to be the case.

As such, we can assume his acts of authority are valid and binding if they do not contain error or harm the Faith, or suppress in any way the Church's Traditions, teaching or praxis of 2,000 years.

If a Pope overreaches the purpose and scope of his authority -- as he did with Traditionis Custodes -- or teaches what appears to be ambiguous teaching -- as he did with Amoris Laetitia -- we know what the bi-millennial Church teaches and has passed down to us; so we simply disregard these errors, anomalies and novelties with complete peace -- until God Himself straightens this out.

The Pope is not the Church; he is mandated as the Supreme Pontiff to ensure and strictly preserve and pass on what the Church has always taught and done without dilution, and without any shadow of heterodoxy or error.

As such, his acts, teachings and pronouncements which do not contradict the Faith or harm the Patrimony which is ours by right can be presumed to be legitimate papal acts.
chris griffin
Caroline03 – Question...following is a section from a Pope declaring that NO MAN can contradict him without incurring the indignation of God, Peter and Paul. Is this still in force? What is it's status today?
12. No man has the right to infringe or by temerarious audacity contradict this page of Our approval, renewal, sanction, statute, derogation of wills and decrees. If anyone would presume to …More
Caroline03 – Question...following is a section from a Pope declaring that NO MAN can contradict him without incurring the indignation of God, Peter and Paul. Is this still in force? What is it's status today?

12. No man has the right to infringe or by temerarious audacity contradict this page of Our approval, renewal, sanction, statute, derogation of wills and decrees. If anyone would presume to attempt this he should know that he will incur indignation of Almighty God and of Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.
"Effraenatam" of Pope Sixtus V against abortion”.
@chris griffin Good for you Chris.... As Fr Hesse, the Canon Lawyer told everyone - a Church Law is set in Stone, if we break it, the OLD Law is still binding on us, in other words, for a Pope to contradict any formal Dogma is to create a false Church. Since the previous bound Law is not allowed to be amended. The Holy Spirit never makes a mistake!
The Document "Postquam Verus - The Cardinals of …More
@chris griffin Good for you Chris.... As Fr Hesse, the Canon Lawyer told everyone - a Church Law is set in Stone, if we break it, the OLD Law is still binding on us, in other words, for a Pope to contradict any formal Dogma is to create a false Church. Since the previous bound Law is not allowed to be amended. The Holy Spirit never makes a mistake!

The Document "Postquam Verus - The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church" is a lawfully binding Const. of Sixtus V dated December 3rd, 1586. There is only one English copy of it on the internet which I have linked below. It creates a Law that the number of Cardinals must NEVER exceed 70, and that ANY elected in excess of that number are frankly "Null and void" The decreed number "70" corresponds with the 70 Elders that Our Lord said must help Moses during the sojourn in the Desert, so it is Scripturally defined.

"And the Lord said to Moses: Gather unto Me seventy men of the ancients of Israel, whom thou knowest to be ancients and masters of the people: and thou shalt bring them to the door of the tabernacle of the covenant, and shalt make them stand there with thee,"

Numbers 11:16

That 1586 Law was upheld for 400 years with not one Pope electing more than the allowed 70 Cardinals, until the reign of John XXIII who decided he wanted to elect many more! The ramifications of disobeying that Law are TERRIFYING!

On The Number And Quality Of The Cardinals Of The Catholic Church: Sixtus V (Postquam Veras 1586)

After real (Postquam_verus) -
chris griffin
Caroline03 - Thanks but someone edited out the most important point with ets. and omissions.
§ 23. [Admonitions] - Therefore, to no man is it permitted, this page, to . . . etc.
But if anyone will’ve presumed to attempt this, [he will incur] the indignation of the Almighty God, and of the blesseds . . . etc.More
Caroline03 - Thanks but someone edited out the most important point with ets. and omissions.

§ 23. [Admonitions] - Therefore, to no man is it permitted, this page, to . . . etc.
But if anyone will’ve presumed to attempt this, [he will incur] the indignation of the Almighty God, and of the blesseds . . . etc.
@chris griffin Here you are.... 🙂
" Therefore, no one whosoever is permitted to alter this notice of Our permission, statute, ordinance, command, precept, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree, and prohibition. Would anyone, however, presume to commit such an act, he should know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul."
It's anathema talk! The …More
@chris griffin Here you are.... 🙂

" Therefore, no one whosoever is permitted to alter this notice of Our permission, statute, ordinance, command, precept, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree, and prohibition. Would anyone, however, presume to commit such an act, he should know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul."

It's anathema talk! The same words are written at the conclusion of "Quo Primum" is exactly the same....

Quo Primum - Papal Encyclicals
chris griffin
Thanks again. I am grateful for your help.