
New Archbishops Of Paris And Mexico City

On December 7, Pope Francis appointed Nanterre Bishop Michel Aupetit, 66, as the new archbishop of Paris, France, and Tlalnepantla Cardinal Carlos Aguiar, 67, as the new archbishop of Mexico City. …More
On December 7, Pope Francis appointed Nanterre Bishop Michel Aupetit, 66, as the new archbishop of Paris, France, and Tlalnepantla Cardinal Carlos Aguiar, 67, as the new archbishop of Mexico City. Mexico City is the world’s largest diocese.
Picture: Michel Aupetit, Carlos Aguiar, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsHmrrxfxxnk
😡 😡 Aguiar was one of the bishops who remained silent when Peña Nieto promoted THE "GAY MARRIAGES" AND ADOPTION OF CHILDREN BY HOMOSEXUAL COUPLES
Mons Carlos Aguiar Retes, the newly-appointed cardinal of Mexico City, has been considered so close with the ruling PRI in EdoMex that the government there paid for his archdiocese’s catechism instructors
- Cardinal archbishop of Paris replaced today: 75 years, 1 month
- Cardinal archbishop of Mexico City replaced today: 75 years, 6 months
- Cardinal archbishop of Washington, still in office: 77 years, 1 month