But the Evil Bergoglio is the one who has radicalized the apostate Joe Biden

Cardinal Burke condemns Biden’s reception of Holy Communion as ‘sacrilege’ - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Raymond Burke condemned President Joe Biden’s reception of Holy Communion as a “sacrilege …
Father Karl A Claver
It is a sacrilege, But the rotten bishops do nothing about it. No wonder the faithful are leaving this sinking Novus Ordo ship.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
Receiving the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist has never been a right. It has always been a priviledge for those who live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Members of the clergy who abuse the Holy Eucharist by causing scandal when they freely give the Body of Christ to public sinners who will not repent, such members of the clergy are guilty of the sins of the sinners by approving of their …More
Receiving the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist has never been a right. It has always been a priviledge for those who live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Members of the clergy who abuse the Holy Eucharist by causing scandal when they freely give the Body of Christ to public sinners who will not repent, such members of the clergy are guilty of the sins of the sinners by approving of their sins through the distribution of the Holy Eucharist. Both, members of the clergy and the sinners shall suffer the same eternal punishment.
la verdad prevalece
@Liam Ronan Bergoglio has confirmed Biden's apostasy. By committing sacrilege, Biden has incurred his own condemnation. Biden has committed the sins of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and Scripture warns that it is difficult, almost impossible, for the apostate to repent. Biden has trampled on the Blood of Christ and with his obstinacy has rejected Him as Redeemer so only Eternal Judgment awaits him
Liam Ronan
The Washington Post reported in May 2024 that when Joe Biden had a massive stroke(s) in 1988 his wife, Jill, refused the priest who had been called to give him the Last Rites. (quote below)
Perhaps its not too late to sneak a priest in to have this addled old man squeeze his hand and receive absolution.
"...A priest was called to his bedside to deliver last rites, but Jill Biden, who had been ordered …More
The Washington Post reported in May 2024 that when Joe Biden had a massive stroke(s) in 1988 his wife, Jill, refused the priest who had been called to give him the Last Rites. (quote below)
Perhaps its not too late to sneak a priest in to have this addled old man squeeze his hand and receive absolution.
"...A priest was called to his bedside to deliver last rites, but Jill Biden, who had been ordered to stay out of the room, burst in, yelling at him to leave. “You're not giving him the last rites. He's not going to die,” she said, according to an account by Biden's sister..."
la verdad prevalece
@Boanerges Boanerges This news should say Cardinal Burke condemns the support that Bergoglio has given to the apostate Biden to sacrilegely receive communion while Biden defies God's Law, and contradicts Catholic doctrine by actively and radically promoting abortion and the vice of sodomy and the so-called "sex change" or 'trangenerism' in adults and children.
la verdad prevalece
Questa notizia dovrebbe dire che il cardinale Burke condanna il sostegno che Bergoglio ha dato all'apostata Biden per ricevere sacrilegamente la comunione mentre Biden sfida la Legge di Dio, e contraddice la dottrina cattolica promuovendo attivamente e radicalmente l'aborto e il vizio della sodomia e il cosiddetto "cambio di sesso" " o 'trangenerismo' negli adulti e nei bambini.
Liam Ronan
"For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep." 1 Corinthians 11:29-30
Boanerges Boanerges
Woe to cardinals in these times for they have let wolves into the sheep pen! Poor Burke, 8 years after the dubia he cannot even talk about the elephant in the room. The stones will certainly have to cry out!
la verdad prevalece
Cardinal Burke has shown cowardice to confront the serial killer of souls Jorge Bergoglio. He cannot content himself with just straining the mosquito of the apostate Biden while he swallows the camel by omitting to condemn the support that the impostor Bergoglio has given him.