
Opus Dei: Coup d’Etat in Torreciudad

Barbastro Bishop Ángel Pérez Pueyo has rejected the three candidates proposed by the Opus Dei for the post of rector of Torreciudad, a Marian sanctuary in Aragon, Spain, which was built by the founder of the Opus Dei.

Like a petty dictator, Pérez appointed Father José Mairal, in whose parish Torreciudad is located "in order to regularise the canonical situation", a phrase used by the anti-Catholics when they want to break canon law.

Pérez had asked the Opus Dei to present a list of three possible rectors, then let the months pass, ignored several requests of the Opus Dei, and finally appointed Marial.

Although the Opus Dei continues to kowtow, it is coming under increasing pressure from the regime of Francisco Franco who misses no opportunity to humiliate and hate it for all the wrong reasons.

This time, however, the Opus Dei protested a little bit, saying that “it is not up to the bishop to make this appointment since it is a church of the Prelature.”

La Cigüeña De La Torre (InfoVaticana.com, July 19) writes, “If Opus Dei ceases to administer Torreciudad, the place will be neglected and disappear in a few years.”

This is probably Pérez’ plan.

Picture: Torreciudad © NAME, CC BY-SA, #newsMdqnakwszn

The destroyer is against anything that has any good in it.
John A Cassani
Is it supposed to say Francisco Franco?Because, last I heard from Chevy Chase, he’s still dead.
De Profundis
I thought it is a joke on Francis - Francisco because the first acts as the second is accused of.
John A Cassani
@De Profundis May be! There are lots of good Franco jokes, and Francis jokes!
Pt Murphy
good riddance...May the bishop's example be followed worldwide... In dismantling this cult.
Opus Dei flourished in Franco's time, that is the reality.