
Opus Dei: The Bishop Wants Money

Cash is playing an essential role in the conflict over the sanctuary in Torreciudad between the Bishop of Barbastro and the Opus Dei. According to ABC.es, the bishop wants the Opus Dei to pay €600K …More
Cash is playing an essential role in the conflict over the sanctuary in Torreciudad between the Bishop of Barbastro and the Opus Dei. According to ABC.es, the bishop wants the Opus Dei to pay €600K annually which the Opus Dei considers excessive. According to InfoVaticana.com (July 20), the Opus Dei is surprised that in a diocese “with so many challenges” problems are being created, instead of seeking solutions “through dialogue and synodality.”
Picture: Ángel Pérez Pueyo © Diocesis de Barbastro-Monzón CC BY, #newsUkupwwnnwo
English Catholic
The Bishop wants money, Opus Dei wants money, and so it goes on . . . money, money, money. Having had close contact for many years with a family, some of whose members worked for, and whose children went to 'Opus Dei' affiliated schools, I can tell you without a doubt that the schools are very good at secular education, but not at teaching the Faith. All the kids I knew, who are now young adults, …More
The Bishop wants money, Opus Dei wants money, and so it goes on . . . money, money, money. Having had close contact for many years with a family, some of whose members worked for, and whose children went to 'Opus Dei' affiliated schools, I can tell you without a doubt that the schools are very good at secular education, but not at teaching the Faith. All the kids I knew, who are now young adults, have either lapsed or are in the process of lapsing. The Opus Dei schools have no higher rate of practicing school leavers than mainstream Catholic schools. And Daphne McLeod RIP of Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice publicly stated - backed up by official figures - that mainstream Catholic school leavers lapsed at a rate of over 90%.
John A Cassani
That’s always been my impression. About 15 years ago, I was talking to a priest who said that, to get ahead in the Church at that time, you either had to be Communion and Liberation, or Opus Dei. He recommended Opus Dei, because they had better food.