
Saint Jean: Dissolution Still on the Table

The French community of Saint Jean has published an 800-page report, detailing internal fornication.

• The report identifies 24 sisters with whom the founder, Father Marie-Dominique OP (+2006), was involved, since he founded the congregation in 1975.

• In the late 1980s, Philippe had at least four parallel sexual relationships with sisters.

• As early as February 1957, the Holy Office forbade Philippe to hear confessions, to be a spiritual director, and to stay in women's convents because of his fornication.

• Before founding Saint Jean, Philippe had a relationship with three women, including Alix Parmentier who became superior of one of the branches of the Sisters of Saint Jean.

• Sister Alix sexually exploited two young nuns, and had contact with several brothers, whom she saw often and with whom she saw "no problem in having carnal relations” with them.

• Philippe's fornication often took place in the context of confession or spiritual direction and could last well into the night.

• He would first give a hand, then a hug, then a kiss and caresses under the pretext of consoling the penitent.

• Over the course of the meetings, these exchanges could become overtly sexual (fellatio), except for vaginal penetration (“reserved for husbands”).

• Philippe would "bless" a sexual relationship established between a religious man and a nun if their intentions were "good".

• He claimed that fornication was "not sinful" and "rather the result of extraordinary graces", a "total abandonment to God" and "a kind of divine experience".

• There were 209 cases of fornication, involving 187 persons, committed by 72 brothers (8.26% of the brothers; 13.33% of the priests), and 6 nuns.

• 86.7% of the priests were not involved in anything of this.

• The peak of abuse occurred between 1995 and 2010.

• Three quarters of the "victims" were female; 15% of the victims were under the age of 15.

• 35 fornicators have left the order, 6 of them have been convicted by civil courts, 10 investigations are ongoing, and 12 complaints have been dismissed.

• Eight members in charge of formation have been found guilty of sexual assault.

• Today the community has 422 male members, and 53 contemplative sisters and 175 active sisters.

• The internal report describes its own environment "probably unhealthy".

• The dissolution of the community is still on the table.

So thankful we only have to put up with these type of things in the short term. Then...off they go to hell.
Wilma Lopez
Summary of the historical report (read thanks to @tommy)
Family Backround: Three siblings of 12 (eight became religious) were abusive, Thomas, Marie-Dominique and Cécile. Thomas was most decadent. He had also an incestuous affair with Cécile. Cécile was Mother superior of the Dominican monastery in Bouvines until her forced deposition in 1956. She had Lesbian relationships inside the monastery …More
Summary of the historical report (read thanks to @tommy)

Family Backround: Three siblings of 12 (eight became religious) were abusive, Thomas, Marie-Dominique and Cécile. Thomas was most decadent. He had also an incestuous affair with Cécile. Cécile was Mother superior of the Dominican monastery in Bouvines until her forced deposition in 1956. She had Lesbian relationships inside the monastery and brought her nuns to Fr. Thomas to be abused by him.

Fr. Thomas founded a lose community called “Eau vivre”, condemned by the Vatican 1957. One of Thomas’ disciples there became the likewise sexually decadent founder of Arche, Jean Vanier. “Eau vivre” was popular among the Church hierarchy. Even Pius XII and Montini, substitute at the Secretariat of State and future Pope Paul VI became interested. Angelo Roncalli, nuncio in Paris and future Pope John XXIII, visited twice.

Thomas’ had pervert sexual affairs with Dozens of women (kisses, intimate caresses, fellatio, intercourse, sexual practices with several woman) justified “mystically”. It was credibly witnessed to the Church hierarchy in the 1950s and he was condemned 1956.

Marie-Dominique was fully informed about the facts (1952) but explicitly wanted to protect his guilty brother. He spread the lie that the abuses were a “plot” and “revenge” because of clerical envy (Thomas has replaced another Dominican) and tensions and rivalries between the Dominican priory in Le Saulchoir and L'Eau vive.

Marie-Dominique connected Thomas, like Cécile, to psychological fragile adult women who got abused/started a sexual affair.

Another accomplice of Thomas at Eau vivre, Jacqueline d’Halluin, had sexual relationships will all of them, with Thomas, Marie-Dominique and Jean Vanier.

Marie-Dominique’s longterm personal affairs are three, Nicole B (pseudonym, alive and witnessed), Alix Parmentier and Michèle-France Pesneau.

Nicole B (*1932) was a former nun of Cécil’s monastery in Boulogne. She left 1956 after Cécile was deposed. Nicole had a close relationship to Marie-Dominique starting in the 1950s including hugs, kisses and intimate caresses. When she refused “submission”, he reacted with “cold anger”. In 1986, he wanted “a fellatio”. She considered this an act against nature and refused. Then, he started speaking ill of her and the trust band was broken.

Alix Parmentier (1933-2016) wanted to enter Cécile’s monastery in Boulogne. But just at this time, Cécile was deposed. So, Alix she entered the Carmel in Boulogne, where Fr Marie-Dominique preached regularly. She left 1963 to become his secretaire a Fribourg. The relationship was not professional but she became his close aid, chauffeur, and 1982 founder of the sisters of St John. Their relationship was asymmetric, dependent, affective and “seriously disordered”. The sexual affair is shown by several converging testimonies. Reportedly they used a single hotel room on their frequent trips. One witness said there were sounds of sexual activity from a hotel room they used together. Another witness, a sister, who was sexually used by Marie-Dominique wanted to inform Alix who replied that he “had gone very far in this area with her”.

Michèle-France Pesneau (*1945), also a former nun of the Carmel in Boulogne, was depressive. Marie-Dominique started to meet her at the Carmel privately. His hands ended up under her dress (“intimate caresses”). She left the monastery in 1974 and he helped her to find a flat, visited her regularly and got sexual acts (including fellatio). Marie-Dominique introduced her to his brother Thomas, whose pervert sexual relations with her went further. She confessed her sexual sins with them to both of them and received from both absolution, a crime that leads to the automatic excommunication of the accomplices/priests.

Abuses in the community St. John

In 1975, Marie-Dominique founded the male community St Jean, in 1982 the sisters. He abused sisters starting in the first years. The relationships went for months or years up to a decade (including being totally naked, sexual touching, masturbation, fellatio, penetration with the finger, cunnilingus).

Maria-Dominique never practiced natural sexual intercourse, allegedly out of respect for “the virgin” [more likely to avoid pregnancies as his brother Thomas coerced the abortion of an own child].

Only three, relatively harmless cases concern homosexuality/males, a kiss on the mouth and taking their hands to his sex OVER the clothes.
English Catholic
@Wilma Lopez. Wow. I'd never heard about all this. It sounds terrible. A group to avoid, I think. The problem is, even if it is dissolved, it just means that all these predators and damaged people are out there, and may try and join different orders.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Tis community sounds as corrupt and deviant as hell. This is not a community inspired by love of Jesus, it is a community of perverts. It reminds me of another homo and deviant community by the same name, Society of Saint John, founded by the homo pervert Carlos Urrougoity, who was expelled from the SSPX. Although this St. John Community profiled here seems to have been corrupted by sexual practices …More
Tis community sounds as corrupt and deviant as hell. This is not a community inspired by love of Jesus, it is a community of perverts. It reminds me of another homo and deviant community by the same name, Society of Saint John, founded by the homo pervert Carlos Urrougoity, who was expelled from the SSPX. Although this St. John Community profiled here seems to have been corrupted by sexual practices between men and women, I am sure there were plenty of homos there too, who engaged in sex like they do every night in Pope Francis' Vatican.
Although they follow a rule, and wear a traditional habit, they do not use the TLM or are devoted to Catholic tradition as far as I know....they use the Novus Ordo, and I've read of rampant liturgical abuses among them with the Novus Ordo, which is no surprise.
I would not be surprised if they are disbanded.
English Catholic
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Yes, I remember that Society of St John / Fr Urritigoity scandal. Whatever happened to them? I heard that one of the priests (who is English) returned to the UK, but I don't know any more than that.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@English Catholic -The Society of St.John was disbanded, I think some of the priests were accepted into dioceses, others maybe left the priesthood altogether. Urrougoity I think was from Argentina. Believe it or not, I think he tried to start up another religious Order somewhere in Latin America, but that was dissolved also. I don't know where he is now, as a priest, or layman.
Novena - Oremus
Do not confunder the French St Jean communaute and the US community St John. Totaly independent.
Judge not lest you be judged.