Le 4 avril 2024, comparaissant devant le tribunal correctionnel de Gap, un prêtre de la Fraternité Saint-Pie X a reconnu des faits d’agressions sexuelles à l’encontre de mineurs

Communiqué de la Fraternité sacerdotale Saint-Pie X • LPL

Un prêtre de la Fraternité Saint-Pie X a reconnu des faits d’agressions sexuelles à l’encontre de mineurs. La Fraternité Saint-Pie X n’a pas …
Lisi Sterndorfer partage ceci
Abbé Rostand SSPX press release disappeared from LaPorteLatine. you can find the archive here:
Wayback Machine
Sean Johnson
Because I said this about 30 minutes prior (in the other thread)?
"Which makes it curious that his name does not appear anywhere on the official SSPX public statement, and which, so far as I am aware, has not been released anywhere in English (even though he spent several years here as District Superior). It’s almost as though it were some kind of legal damage control strategy to avoid emboldening …Plus
Because I said this about 30 minutes prior (in the other thread)?

"Which makes it curious that his name does not appear anywhere on the official SSPX public statement, and which, so far as I am aware, has not been released anywhere in English (even though he spent several years here as District Superior). It’s almost as though it were some kind of legal damage control strategy to avoid emboldening any potential American (and Canadian) victims/litigants from coming forward and filing suit. If such were the case, would it not evince the SSPX openly sheltering a predator, even as it acknowledges his guilt?

Also outrageous that the French prosecutor is only seeking a 4-year SUSPENDED sentence. Is that country so far gone that one can be a serial child molester without fear of spending a single day behind bars?

Final question: How much of the SSPX ralliement to modernist Rome (and all the compromises, changes, and contradiction with previous positions which comprise it) is the result of corrupt superiors being blackmailed? If it is true, as former US District Superior, Fr. Jurgen Wegner is reported by Nikes to have said, that there are hundreds of abuse cases in the Society (and that’s only the ones he knows of), it suggests a widespread corruption among leadership, and that unfortunate circumstance would certainly make Society superiors vulnerable to blackmail (and therefore control). In the secular sphere, we had the Epstein Island blackmail operation, to ensure only politicians guilty of abominable crimes were electable candidates, who would therefore be subject to external coercion and control.

Has something similar gained control of the SSPX, to lead it into subservience to the deep church/ conciliar church, for the destruction of Tradition, under the specious pretext of legal recognition (which Lefebvre had rejected after 1988 for so long as Rome did not return to Tradition)?

Perhaps this is all way off base, but how can one help wondering, if the corruption is as widespread as Fr. Wegner says?"