
Pagan Superstition In Vatican Gardens “Truly Satanic” - Monsignor Bux

Monsignor Nicola Bux hopes that Francis' October 4 hocus-pocus in the Vatican gardens was done "without understanding" according to Christ’s word on the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they do not …More
Monsignor Nicola Bux hopes that Francis' October 4 hocus-pocus in the Vatican gardens was done "without understanding" according to Christ’s word on the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
This explanation would however imply that Francis is stupid. Bux is a friend of Benedict XVI and renowned theologian.
During the ridiculous performance, a group of pagans worshipped the Indio goddess Pachamama (Mother Earth). Bux said that a conscious support of this superstition "would be truly satanic” (IlGiornale.it, October 7).
Bohush shares this
Pachamama ceremony in Vatican
Gesù è con noi
US Theologian: ‘Unprecedented New Schism’ Under Pope Francis www.churchmilitant.com/…/us-theologian-u…
Gesù è con noi
El pecado de Bergoglio es de Malicia es de blasfemia contra el Espiritu Santo.
Lamora shares this
The Great Whore makes herself makeup with lipsticks in increasingly provocative colors - she becomes repulsive. If the Roman Catholic church still remained a noble Mother, who would want to leave Her for the Kingdom of God, which is beyond our imagination? It is not easy to move into the unknown. In his mercy, Jesus Christ allows such a rapid decomposition of his crucified Mystical Body to save …More
The Great Whore makes herself makeup with lipsticks in increasingly provocative colors - she becomes repulsive. If the Roman Catholic church still remained a noble Mother, who would want to leave Her for the Kingdom of God, which is beyond our imagination? It is not easy to move into the unknown. In his mercy, Jesus Christ allows such a rapid decomposition of his crucified Mystical Body to save faith even among the elect and to force them to leave. Elected for what? For Império do Divino Espírito Santo, on this very earth.

Oct. 10, Virgen de la Soterraña, Olmedo, Valladolid, Castile and Léon
Well, with all due reverence to Msgr. Bux, I do think Bergoglio was conscious during the pagan ritual....therefore....
The guys with the feathers go home to put on his jeans and T-shirt like everybody else.
The Antichrist is Born
The Basilica of Nursia lay in ruins on Oct. 30 *, 2016 on the feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, as established by Pope Pius XI. The only thing left of the noble edifice was the facade, that the guts of the Church, the holy Catholic faith, had already been ripped out by the infernal enemy.
"Rome will lose faith" ... - The Blessed Virgin prophesied this in La Salette in …More
The Antichrist is Born

The Basilica of Nursia lay in ruins on Oct. 30 *, 2016 on the feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, as established by Pope Pius XI. The only thing left of the noble edifice was the facade, that the guts of the Church, the holy Catholic faith, had already been ripped out by the infernal enemy.
"Rome will lose faith" ... - The Blessed Virgin prophesied this in La Salette in 1846, but then, already at the time of Bl. Pius IX, the church's freemasonry feverishly worked to ridicule Her messages and make a madwoman with Melanie Calvat.They have done their job: the Saletinian Fathers claim to this day that this is a false prophecy, although the course of events in the Vatican shows their authenticity.
... "and become the seat of the Antichrist". It happened: the false prophet Jorge the Apostate, participating, on October 4th, in a pagan ritual, tenderly embraced a figurine of a pregnant „false Hebrew nun”, who on the lawn in the Vatican Gardens gave birth to an incarnate Satan: this wooden boy without diapers on the blanket. We will soon find out his identity: he is an elderly man, because his grandmother was born on September 29th,1896(!). It happened on feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, to whom the Lord Jesus entrusted with an unimaginably difficult task: "Rebuild my Church." And what was to be done, the Poverello? (In this context his nickname is the most adequate.) At Christmas AD1223 he erected a rocky manger in Greccio (Lazio). For whom? After all, Jesus Christ the Savior was born 1223 years earlier. So who is this hard cradle for? For the another Comforter, the Paraclete, the Anointed of God who will fight and defeat Antichrist with the breath of his mouth. Where did he come from? Our Mother the Holy Church will give birth to him in the midst of persecution that has never happened before and will not be there later.
October 7th, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

* Vigil to Saint Quentin, Martyr - The Eldest Daughter of the Church, i.e. France, still matters and together with the 'Fifth' ('Quintus') will again light up the darkness of the world.
God has exposed the true faces of Antichrist and his cohorts and following or rejecting depend on us, our freewill. Thanks God.