Google Maps Got God?

3 August 2011 Switzerland This picture, taken for Google Street View off a road west of Quarten, Switzerland, has been making the rounds today, with commentary from the likes of Buzzfeed and Gawker.More
3 August 2011
This picture, taken for Google Street View off a road west of Quarten, Switzerland, has been making the rounds today, with commentary from the likes of Buzzfeed and Gawker.
Is it God?
Awaiting a report from one of's Swiss investigative reporters.
Vielen Dank... holyrope 3 👍
Liebe grússe.... 🤗
PS:What are You Missing?....humility=the truth about himself
What are You Missing?
for g.TV Team= 😇 God +bless+ you+More
Vielen Dank... holyrope 3 👍

Liebe grússe.... 🤗

PS:What are You Missing?....humility=the truth about himself
What are You Missing?

for g.TV Team= 😇 God +bless+ you+
holyrope 3
Holy Cannoli
It's demonic. Under higher magnification a clearer image emerges.
Demonic Image Not Suitable For Children
🙏 🙏 🙏More
It's demonic. Under higher magnification a clearer image emerges.

Demonic Image Not Suitable For Children

🙏 🙏 🙏
Cinderella: NO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O!!!!!
Looking at the Google Street View photos along that long highway, you can see the black and pink blurry geometrical shapes, sometimes more clearly, sometimes more blurry, sometimes in front of the power lines, but always at the same angle above and to the right of the car, even when the road curves. It never looks clearly like a human form.
There were also many other cars on the road, and no one …More
Looking at the Google Street View photos along that long highway, you can see the black and pink blurry geometrical shapes, sometimes more clearly, sometimes more blurry, sometimes in front of the power lines, but always at the same angle above and to the right of the car, even when the road curves. It never looks clearly like a human form.
There were also many other cars on the road, and no one else captured this on film? rather long and snipped.
Holy Cannoli
@Holy Cannoli, I copied and paste the whole link you posted, it did work.,9.198303&hl=en&ll=47.109392,9.237785&spn=0.150247,0.22007&sll=47.108457,9.198303&sspn=0.150249,0.22007&t=h&layer=c&cbll=47.110599,9.228819&cbp=12,295.55,,0,-25.41&z=12&panoid=zpqzcoFrH7RkPIp7hMSgaA
<a href=";source=embed&hl=en&q=47.108457,9.198303&aq=0&sll=47.108457,9.198303&sspn=…More
@Holy Cannoli, I copied and paste the whole link you posted, it did work.,9.198303&hl=en&ll=47.109392,9.237785&spn=0.150247,0.22007&sll=47.108457,9.198303&sspn=0.150249,0.22007&t=h&layer=c&cbll=47.110599,9.228819&cbp=12,295.55,,0,-25.41&z=12&panoid=zpqzcoFrH7RkPIp7hMSgaA

<a href=";source=embed&hl=en&q=47.108457,9.198303&aq=0&sll=47.108457,9.198303&sspn=0.150249,0.22007&ie=UTF8&hnear=Quarten,+Sarganserland,+St+Gall,+Switzerland&t=h&layer=c&cbll=47.110599,9.228819&cbp=12,295.55,,0,-25.41&rq=1&split=0&ll=47.1,9.233333&spn=0.150247,0.22007&z=12&panoid=zpqzcoFrH7RkPIp7hMSgaA" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map
Holy Cannoli
I tried to post a link to a larger picture but it won't work.
I tried to post a link to a larger picture but it won't work.

My goodness, I checked the google map. Looks like there are two people in red robes standing on the cloud. Amazing!!! Or the other one looks like kneeling and praying, the other one is standing.