Marian Symposium 2020: OLG SHRINE
161,7 K
Święto Babci i Dziadka. Polski Dom w Bielcach MOLDOVA 22. stycznia 2016 r.Mai mult
Święto Babci i Dziadka.
Polski Dom w Bielcach
22. stycznia 2016 r.
@Uncle Joe, dare I say, "try again!"?
Uncle Joe
Dear Jungerheld, . Speaking of Muslims, you can take the Muslim out of Poland but you can't take Poland out of the Muslim. 👌Mai mult
Dear Jungerheld,
Speaking of Muslims, you can take the Muslim out of Poland but you can't take Poland out of the Muslim.
Încă 14 comentarii
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12,1 K
German harasses International Spiegel.tvMai mult
German harasses International
German harasses International Hendrik Vöhringer from tried on Saturday evening, March 2nd, to enter illegitimately the Church in Rueras (Switzerland). however …Mai mult
German harasses International
Hendrik Vöhringer from tried on Saturday evening, March 2nd, to enter illegitimately the Church in Rueras (Switzerland). however filmed back.
Doina distribuie din Gloria.TV News
33,9 K
German harasses International Spiegel.tvMai mult
German harasses International
Spiegel.TV gets violent. Hendrik Vöhringer from attempted on Sunday to attack Gloria.TV. But he got himself into serious troubles.Mai mult
Spiegel.TV gets violent.
Hendrik Vöhringer from attempted on Sunday to attack Gloria.TV. But he got himself into serious troubles.
Doina distribuie din Gloria.TV News
13 K
German harasses International Spiegel.tvMai mult
German harasses International
Gloria.TV News Special Report. Some special news today...Mai mult
Gloria.TV News Special Report.
Some special news today...
Doina distribuie din Father Reto Preaches
6,6 K
Gloria Advent Retreat. Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons. The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.Mai mult
Gloria Advent Retreat.
Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons.
The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.
“Oh, my? No! O, Reto Nye. No! O-Adonai” Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons . The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.Mai mult
“Oh, my? No! O, Reto Nye. No! O-Adonai”
Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons .
The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.
Doina distribuie din Father Reto Preaches
7,5 K
Gloria Advent Retreat. Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons. The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.Mai mult
Gloria Advent Retreat.
Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons.
The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.
Fifth O Antiphon - O Oriens. Advent 2012 Father Reto Nay Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas Fifth O Antiphon - O Morning StarMai mult
Fifth O Antiphon - O Oriens.
Advent 2012
Father Reto Nay
Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas
Fifth O Antiphon - O Morning Star
Doina distribuie din Father Reto Preaches
8,8 K
Gloria Advent Retreat. Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons. The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.Mai mult
Gloria Advent Retreat.
Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons.
The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.
Second O Antiphon - O Adonai. Advent 2012 Father Reto Nay Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas Second O Antiphon - O AdonaiMai mult
Second O Antiphon - O Adonai.
Advent 2012
Father Reto Nay
Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas
Second O Antiphon - O Adonai
Doina distribuie din Father Reto Preaches
6,6 K
Gloria Advent Retreat. Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons. The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.Mai mult
Gloria Advent Retreat.
Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons.
The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.
Sixth O Antiphon - O Rex Géntium - O King of the Gentiles. Advent 2012 Father Reto Nay Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas Sixth O Antiphon - O Rex GéntiumMai mult
Sixth O Antiphon - O Rex Géntium - O King of the Gentiles.
Advent 2012
Father Reto Nay
Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas
Sixth O Antiphon - O Rex Géntium
Doina distribuie din Father Reto Preaches
10,1 K
Gloria Advent Retreat. Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons. The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.Mai mult
Gloria Advent Retreat.
Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons.
The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.
First O Antiphon - O Sapientia. Advent 2012 Father Reto Nay Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas First O Antiphon - O SapientiaMai mult
First O Antiphon - O Sapientia.
Advent 2012
Father Reto Nay
Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas
First O Antiphon - O Sapientia
Doina distribuie din Father Reto Preaches
7,3 K
Gloria Advent Retreat. Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons. The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.Mai mult
Gloria Advent Retreat.
Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons.
The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.
Seventh O Antiphon - O Emmanuel. O Emmánuel, rex et légifer noster, exspectátio géntium et salvátor eárum: veni ad salvándum nos, Dómine Deus noster.Mai mult
Seventh O Antiphon - O Emmanuel.
O Emmánuel, rex et légifer noster, exspectátio géntium et salvátor eárum: veni ad salvándum nos, Dómine Deus noster.
Doina distribuie din Father Reto Preaches
9,4 K
Gloria Advent Retreat. Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons. The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.Mai mult
Gloria Advent Retreat.
Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons.
The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.
Third O Antiphon - O Radix Jesse. Advent 2012 Father Reto Nay Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas Third O Antiphon - O Radix JesseMai mult
Third O Antiphon - O Radix Jesse.
Advent 2012
Father Reto Nay
Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas
Third O Antiphon - O Radix Jesse
Doina distribuie din Father Reto Preaches
7,2 K
Gloria Advent Retreat. Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons. The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.Mai mult
Gloria Advent Retreat.
Gloria.TV is holding a special on-line retreat this Advent concentrated on the O Antiphons.
The retreat will be given by Father Reto Nay.
Fourth O Antiphon. O Clavix David! The 4th Part of our Gloria.Tv RetreatMai mult
Fourth O Antiphon. O Clavix David!
The 4th Part of our Gloria.Tv Retreat
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59,1 K
Gloria Gregorian. Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)Mai mult
Gloria Gregorian.
Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)
Victimae paschali laudes - Eastern Hymn. The Easter sequence of the Roman Rite, sung during the Easter Octave before the Gospel.Mai mult
Victimae paschali laudes - Eastern Hymn.
The Easter sequence of the Roman Rite, sung during the Easter Octave before the Gospel.
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44,9 K
Gloria Gregorian. Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)Mai mult
Gloria Gregorian.
Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)
The Famous Lenten Hymn "Attende Domine" Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, because we have sinned against Thee. To Thee, highest King, Redeemer of all, do we lift up our eyes in weeping: Hear, O Christ,…Mai mult
The Famous Lenten Hymn "Attende Domine"
Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, because we have sinned against Thee.
To Thee, highest King,
Redeemer of all,
do we lift up our eyes
in weeping:
Hear, O Christ, the prayers
of your servants. Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, because we have sinned against Thee. Right hand of the Father, corner-stone, way of salvation, gate of heaven, wash away our stains of sin. Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, because we have sinned against Thee. We beseech Thee, God, in Thy great majesty: Hear our groans with Thy holy ears: calmly forgive our crimes. Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, because we have sinned against Thee. To Thee we confess our sins admitted with a contrite heart We reveal the things hidden: By Thy kindness, O Redeemer, overlook them. Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, because we have sinned against Thee. The Innocent, seized, not refusing to be led; condemned by false witnesses because of impious men O Christ, keep safe those whom Thou hast redeemed. …Mai mult
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42,7 K
Gloria Gregorian. Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)Mai mult
Gloria Gregorian.
Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)
Creator alme siderum. Gregorian Creator alme siderum, aeterna lux credentium, Iesu, Redemptor omnium, intende votis supplicum. Qui daemonis ne fraudibus periret orbis, impetu amoris actus, languidi, …Mai mult
Creator alme siderum.
Creator alme siderum,
aeterna lux credentium,
Iesu, Redemptor omnium,
intende votis supplicum.
Qui daemonis ne fraudibus
periret orbis, impetu amoris actus, languidi, mundi medela factus es. Commune qui mundi nefas ut expiares, ad crucem e Virginis sacrario intacta prodis victima. Cuius potestas gloriae, Nomenque cum primum sonat, et caelites et inferi tremente curvantur genu. Te, deprecamur ultimae magnum diei Iudicem, armis supernae gratiae defende nos ab hostibus. Virtus, honor, laus, gloria Deo Patri cum Filio, Sancto simul Paraclito, in saeculorum saecula.
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100,6 K
Gloria Gregorian. Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)Mai mult
Gloria Gregorian.
Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)
Rorate. Break open, o heavens, from above, that the clouds might rain down the Just One. Be not angry, Lord, nor remember any longer our iniquity. Behold, your holy city has been deserted: Zion has …Mai mult
Break open, o heavens, from above,
that the clouds might rain down the Just One.
Be not angry, Lord, nor remember any longer our iniquity.
Behold, your holy city has been deserted:
Zion has been deserted.
Jerusalem has been made desolate.
Your house of sanctification and your glory, where our fathers praised you.
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130,3 K
Gloria Gregorian. Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)Mai mult
Gloria Gregorian.
Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)
Veni, Creator Spiritus. Komm, Schöpfer Geist, kehr bei uns ein, besuch das Herz der Kinder dein: die deine Macht erschaffen hat, erfülle nun mit deiner Gnad. Der du der Tröster wirst genannt, vom …Mai mult
Veni, Creator Spiritus.
Komm, Schöpfer Geist, kehr bei uns ein,
besuch das Herz der Kinder dein:
die deine Macht erschaffen hat,
erfülle nun mit deiner Gnad.
Der du der Tröster wirst genannt,
vom höchsten Gott ein Gnadenpfand,
du Lebensbrunn, Licht, Lieb und Glut, der Seele Salbung, höchstes Gut. O Schatz, der siebenfältig ziert, O Finger Gottes, der uns führt, Geschenk, vom Vater zugesagt, du, der die Zungen reden macht. Zünd an in uns des Lichtes Schein, gieß Liebe in die Herzen ein, stärk unsres Leibs Gebrechlichkeit mit deiner Kraft zu jeder Zeit. Treib weit von uns des Feinds Gewalt, in deinem Frieden uns erhalt, daß wir, geführt von deinem Licht, in Sünd und Elend fallen nicht. Den Vater auf dem ew'gen Thron lehr uns erkennen und den Sohn; dich, beider Geist, sei'n wir bereit zu preisen gläubig alle Zeit.
Doina distribuie din
30,5 K
Gloria Gregorian. Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)Mai mult
Gloria Gregorian.
Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)
Audi, benigne Conditor. O MERCIFUL Creator, hear! To us in pity bow Thine ear: accept the tearful prayer we raise in this our fast of forty days. Our hearts are open, Lord, to Thee: Thou knowest our …Mai mult
Audi, benigne Conditor.
O MERCIFUL Creator, hear!
To us in pity bow Thine ear:
accept the tearful prayer we raise
in this our fast of forty days.
Our hearts are open, Lord, to Thee:
Thou knowest our infirmity;
pour out on all who seek Thy face abundance of Thy pardoning grace. Our sins are many, this we know; spare us, good Lord, Thy mercy show; and for the honor of Thy name our fainting souls to life reclaim. Give us self-control that springs from discipline of outward things, that fasting inward secretly the soul may purely dwell with Thee. We pray Thee, Holy Trinity, one God, unchanging Unity, that we from this our abstinence may reap the fruits of penitence. Amen.
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43,4 K
Gloria Gregorian. Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)Mai mult
Gloria Gregorian.
Gregorian Chant sang by Doina and Lucia :o)
Ubi Caritas. Where charity and love are, there God is. The love of Christ has gathered us into one flock. Let us exult, and in Him be joyful. Let us fear and let us love the living God. And from a …Mai mult
Ubi Caritas.
Where charity and love are, there God is.
The love of Christ has gathered us into one flock.
Let us exult, and in Him be joyful.
Let us fear and let us love the living God.
And from a sincere heart let us love each other (and Him).
Where charity and love are, there God is.
Therefore, whensoever we are gathered as one: Lest we in mind be divided, let us beware. Let cease malicious quarrels, let strife give way. And in the midst of us be Christ our God. Where charity and love are, there God is. Together also with the blessed may we see, Gloriously, Thy countenance, O Christ our God: A joy which is immense, and also approved: Through infinite ages of ages. Amen.