Video: 'Pope' John XXIII secretly drinks coffee during his Coronation Mass in Nov. of 1958
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How do we know it was coffee?? I've witnessed and even served many Masses where the priest needs a sip of water due to a dry mouth, tickle in the throat, etc. This was done so his voice would be clear in pronouncing the prayers. However, wasn't the communion fast so strict then even water was forbidden?
Lisi Sterndorfer
Benedict XVI drinks a glass of water during the Christmas Eve Mass in St. Peter's Basilica.
24.12.2012 AD
John A Cassani
Pius XII had relaxed the fast from food to three hours, and water to one, I believe. That John XXIII had a drink has always been known, but most have thought it was water. The resolution on this old film, converted into digital video is not such that we can convict the man.