Children of God for Life has compiled a list of covid-19 vaccines being developed and ranks them as produced or not produced with aborted fetal cells. While most of us fill our heads with conspiracy …More
Children of God for Life has compiled a list of covid-19 vaccines being developed and ranks them as produced or not produced with aborted fetal cells.

While most of us fill our heads with conspiracy theories, church squabbles and political squabbles, real work is going on and, it seems to me, ought to have our attention and support.

This isn't about whether a covid-19 vaccine is "necessary". It's about applauding moral research and putting immoral research on the dust heap of history.

And I'll add one little segway... You won't hear Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, or any world leader, for that matter, mention these alternatives. But neither will you hear our bishops mention them. We should be speaking up more and give them no choice. We should be giving "fact checkers" something to do.
Pope Innocent lll
The bootlicking worldly shills, who are not Roman Catholics, yet they bark away on our GTV Catholic site, pathetically calling FACTS: theories.
What a waste of life, casting seeds of doubt.
Lost fools, who call Jesus' faithful - fools.
Holy Cannoli
Of course, the agenda driven loons will not be happy about your list and there are multiple reasons for their dissatisfaction. A prime reason is that approximately 1 out of 3 posters at GTV fall into at least one (probably more) of the following Conspiracy Theory categories for the brain dead including the flat earthers. (dzień dobry, Rafi) 😊
Psychologists attribute finding a conspiracy where …More
Of course, the agenda driven loons will not be happy about your list and there are multiple reasons for their dissatisfaction. A prime reason is that approximately 1 out of 3 posters at GTV fall into at least one (probably more) of the following Conspiracy Theory categories for the brain dead including the flat earthers. (dzień dobry, Rafi) 😊

Psychologists attribute finding a conspiracy where there is none to a form of cognitive bias called illusory pattern perception.
Creation is a conspiracy.
Those who deny conspiracy are also known as atheists.
Holy Cannoli
jd1961 wrote:
Creation is a conspiracy.
As written your comment is simply babble. Explain your position- if you have one - and are not simply a mindless, low-IQ, babbler. 🤪 Although being one of GTV's mindless, low-IQ babblers (Ditto for you Rafi) seems to be the case judging by the abject stupidity of your previous posts including…
Trump is the weakest, most effeminate president of my lifetime. …More
jd1961 wrote:
Creation is a conspiracy.

As written your comment is simply babble. Explain your position- if you have one - and are not simply a mindless, low-IQ, babbler. 🤪 Although being one of GTV's mindless, low-IQ babblers (Ditto for you Rafi) seems to be the case judging by the abject stupidity of your previous posts including…

Trump is the weakest, most effeminate president of my lifetime.
You'd never know he holds the most powerful position in the world.
President Trump’s Accomplishments
Holy Cannoli
A message to non-Catholic and non-Christian readers.
We are not all this stupid. Because of the lack of effective moderation, GTV has become the repository of human debris who obviously could not survive at a moderated Catholic website. The result is that posters like jd1961 have found a comfortable home unaware that their stupidity not only reflects poorly on the Catholic Church (leading to the …More
A message to non-Catholic and non-Christian readers.

We are not all this stupid. Because of the lack of effective moderation, GTV has become the repository of human debris who obviously could not survive at a moderated Catholic website. The result is that posters like jd1961 have found a comfortable home unaware that their stupidity not only reflects poorly on the Catholic Church (leading to the conclusion that Catholics are stupid and believe in a flat earth) but those ridiculous assertions reflect poorly on this website and the other normal posters at this site. Catholics do not believe the earth is flat but one poster at GTV has openly claimed that it is true. 🥴 🥴 🥴

Incidentally, we also have a nutty woman 🤪 who feels compelled to post icons along with her posts obviously done to attract attention to herself and her boring material. Hence the following:
Cuthbert Mayne
For the looney flat earthers here on GTV (you know who you are and we do too) the vaccine IS a vaccine - the Pfizer Vaccine is a novel form of mRNA vaccine, where instead of the usual way of stimulating the host immune system by showing it a piece of the Virus (a bit like putting a blood hound on the trail by allowing it a sniff at an object) the short mRNA segment introduced into a host cell produces …More
For the looney flat earthers here on GTV (you know who you are and we do too) the vaccine IS a vaccine - the Pfizer Vaccine is a novel form of mRNA vaccine, where instead of the usual way of stimulating the host immune system by showing it a piece of the Virus (a bit like putting a blood hound on the trail by allowing it a sniff at an object) the short mRNA segment introduced into a host cell produces a PART of the virus NOT THE WHOLE VIRUS but a part of it. So the immune system will be able to launch an adaptive response.
Just take a look at the types of Vaccines explained here lozierinstitute.org/…ection-and-vaccine-production/
Cuthbert Mayne
The next question is how far does one co-operate with evil, if we choose a vaccine that has been produced with the aid of a cell line derived from some cells taken from an aborted foetus nearly half a century ago. And the CDF which is the supreme authority on such moral ethical matters, say that corporation is not proximal.
Some just want to believe everything is hunky dory with our government and government Health agencies...so much easier to accept drivel from them than it is to actually pursue an honest investigation into their "orders" for us paeons....
Holy Cannoli
Very good info and well done, Junger. Probably the best I've seen from you.
By now I'm sure you ignore the naysaying agenda driven loons at GTV. 🤪 🥴 It's a pity that there is little to no moderation at Gloria and these consistently negative jerks are free to pollute the atmosphere.
Children of God
Centers for Disease Control and PreventionMore
Very good info and well done, Junger. Probably the best I've seen from you.

By now I'm sure you ignore the naysaying agenda driven loons at GTV. 🤪 🥴 It's a pity that there is little to no moderation at Gloria and these consistently negative jerks are free to pollute the atmosphere.

Children of God
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Pope Innocent lll
"While most of us fill our heads with conspiracy theories, church squabbles and political squabbles..."
Theories are not needed, numerous, very important conspiracy facts, prove that humanity is being destroyed, spiritually and bodily, laws of many nations allow for: killing babies - even during the child's 9th month of life within his own mother, pagan worship, filthy sodomite pseudo marriage, …More
"While most of us fill our heads with conspiracy theories, church squabbles and political squabbles..."
Theories are not needed, numerous, very important conspiracy facts, prove that humanity is being destroyed, spiritually and bodily, laws of many nations allow for: killing babies - even during the child's 9th month of life within his own mother, pagan worship, filthy sodomite pseudo marriage, killing the elderly, artificial drugs to warp children's gender, satanic worship, artificial warped foods, Catholic Churches being attacked... These facts, and the many more public attacks against Almighty God's creations, this is "squabbles" to you?
Live Mike
"It is not a vaccine!"- Dr. David Cullen
"It's a synthetic pathogen!" Dr. Judy Mikovits The vaccine is not a vaccine but listen to these experts [https://www.bitchute.com/video/zsVdz7gCFH7j/]
Cuthbert Mayne
Ridiculous it is a vaccine. You don’t have to take it if you don’t want to.
Live Mike
Experts disagree with you as the medical / legal definition of a vaccine does not pertain to mRNA genetic modification of the somatic and germ cells.
Our Lady of Sorrows
"Make no mistake, this is Genocide"by Dr Vernon Coleman, also see his other Video "Wikipedia is used as a weapon"